NOT WANTED ANYWAY: Elizabeth Warren to Boycott Bibi’s Address to Congress

FILE - In this March 5, 2020, file photo, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks to the media outside her home in Cambridge, Mass., after she dropped out of the Democratic presidential race. Warren said Thursday, April 23, that her brother Donald Reed Herring had died Tuesday after testing positive for the coronavirus. He was 86 and died in Norman, Okla. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

(VINnews) — Senator Elizabeth Warren, a socialist, has joined a group of Democratic lawmakers boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on July 24.

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Warren claimed the reason is Bibi’s role in a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza and his opposition to a two-state solution. According to The Hill, Warren emphasized that Netanyahu’s actions have exacerbated the conflict and hindered efforts for peaceful negotiations between Israel and Palestinians.

“Benjamin Netanyahu has created a humanitarian disaster,” Warren said.

“The United States needs to be using its leverage, including restrictions on arm sales, as a way to advance a push toward peace in the Middle East,” she said when asked for her reaction to the Biden administration’s pursuit of a military sale to Israel.

“We need a cease-fire, massive humanitarian relief, the return of the hostages, and we’ve gotta have a breakthrough on getting the parties to the negotiating table. Giving more arms to Israel is not pushing in the right direction,” Warren continued.

Several other lawmakers, including Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, announcing their intentions to skip the event as well. Pelosi criticized Speaker Mike Johnson’s invitation to Netanyahu, describing it as “wrong”.

Needless to say, they will not be missed.

Warren, nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Trump, infamously claimed to be a minority when she was chosen to be a Harvard professor, despite being as white as Abe Lincoln himself. She falsely said that she is descended from American Indians, however that was debunked by a DNA test that she herself commissioned.

The address will mark Netanyahu’s fourth appearance before a joint session of Congress, with previous speeches occurring in 1996, 2011, and 2015. He is one of the only foreign leaders in history to address joint sessions of Congress.

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8 days ago

She has a previous commitment to attend a “Pow-Wow.” And has to go.

8 days ago

This only proves the exsistance of antisemites at the highest level.The only democratic country iin the entire middle ease & a staunch ally of the USA and these momzirim boycot the duly elected leader. They embrace the left communist agenda and want to destroy the greatest democrocy in the free world. Let them join Vlady & Kim.

8 days ago


mee hoo ze
mee hoo ze
8 days ago

She probably also wants America to give back land to native Americans so she can get some.

7 days ago

Hope she never returns and take the whole bunch like her with her

Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
7 days ago

Just another hamas democrat.

7 days ago

Vote all democrats out this Nov

7 days ago

I hope this witch gets on her broom and rides away

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
7 days ago

Wow, I remember when Elizabeth Warren looked like a normal older woman and not the “Our Competitor” picture in a cosmetic procedure ad.

7 days ago

She is a machsheifa. But there is good reason not to attend the address of the (hopefully by then, ex-) Prime Minister who has nearly destroyed r’l our country. His last address to Congress went well, didn’t it?

Edith San Francisco
Edith San Francisco
8 days ago

These Political Influencers are Eligible to receive from VINnews, the Best Executive Summary addressing every point their FALSE accusations MADE WITH FALSE NARRATIVES, and Tell Them The Truth with Illustrations, Verifiable Facts, for Each of Them in a Binder Presentation‼️

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
8 days ago

She actually is NOT a Socialist but she shouldn’t be boycotting Netanyahu.