56% Of Charedi Yeshiva Students Smoke On A Regular Basis, Knesset Committee Reveals

Jewish ultra orthodox boy dressed up in costume, smoke cigarettes durign the jewish holiday of Purim, in the ultra orthodox neighborhood of Meah Shearim in Jerusalem. March 21, 2011. Photo by Nati Shohat/FLASH90

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — A broad-based survey submitted to the Knesset’s health committee revealed worrying statistics about the prevalence of smoking in Israeli society. The survey revealed that one of every five adults in Israel is a smoker. In the Arab sector, nearly 40% are smokers. 8.1% of children in Israel smoke at least once a week and 4.8% smoke at least once a day.

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The data regarding the charedi community are of especial concern, as they reveal that every second adult in the charedi community is a smoker. In the yeshivot ketanot, representing the 14-18 age group, 54% of students are regular smokers while in the yeshivot gedolot, 56% of the students smoke on a regular basis.

Dr. Sharon Elrai-Price, the director of the Public Health Department in the Health Ministry, presented the survey at a health committee hearing on “The Incidence of Smoking and the Steps to Prevent It.” Elrai-Price warned of an “epidemic” of electronic cigarettes, adding that the chances of a youth who uses electronic cigarettes becoming addicted to regular cigarettes are four times as high as other youths.

Members of the committee asked the ministry to prepare a national program to prevent smoking, detail its costs and submit it to the committee. They also asked the ministry how it intends to reduce smoking during wartime. In the wake of the high prevalence in the charedi and Arab communities the committee asked for an ad campaign to target these sectors.

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R. Moshe
R. Moshe
7 days ago

It is hard to reconcile the reports of abject poverty pervasive in this community with any aspect of smoking. Money spent on smoking literally goes up in smoke.
I am skipping the health ramifications but they are obvious.

7 days ago

Every single puff of this poiseness cigarette is a separate & new violation of מבטל מצות עשה מן התורה של “ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם”
Clearly a frightening collosal # of exceedingly heinous Aveiros

7 days ago

It’s particularly shameful since in the chareidi oilam, if only their Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva would speak up. They would never had started and those that are hooked would be shamed into stopping.

7 days ago

I’m very skeptical of this. What I’ve seen with my own eyes there doesn’t seem to line up with it.
Is anyone familiar with exactly how this was “found out?”

Noble Member
7 days ago

Very real problem, but laughable photo. Kids trying cigarettes on Purim is not what this article is about.

6 days ago

Unfortunately, it is not only these young frum students who are smoking. If one looks at the statistics, in Israel, smoking appears to be tolerated, and is widespread. The Prime Minister smokes cigars on a regular basis, in spite of his health problems. To the best of my knowledge, there is not one hotel in all of Israel, which is 100% smoke free. I’m not referring to smoke free rooms, but a hotel, where smoking is prohibited in the entire building, from top to bottom. I’ve never been able to locate one. Can anybody advise me, if one even exists?

6 days ago

When I lived in Israel 25 years ago, I frequently carried a small scissors with me. When I saw a bachur smoking, I distracted him, then snipped his burning cigarette in two! I just told them “Sakana Nefashos”. Most were upset, but a few thanked me for helping them make the decision to stop!

The Judge
The Judge
6 days ago

There is no benefit to smoking as once believed. Each and every cigarette is a small nail in a person’s coffin. It is clearly assur min Hatorah, the same as taking a milligram of cyanide every day. The only reason why some poskim have not said so is like what Reb Moshe said, shomer pasayim Hashem. It’s only a justification but bears no reality L’Halacha.

When a collector comes to my door and he smells like chimney, I don’t give anything but Musar. 1. He needs money for his family and he is wasting a lot on smoking. 2. He’ll die before his time and leave his family in worse shape financially.

6 days ago

I dont believe the statistic at all

6 days ago

They need to publish the basis for this data , how the questions phrased…did it include vaping..and anecdotally does every other brochure smoke finally even if it’s half as bad

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
4 days ago

Smoking is gay, and we as a society need to acknowledge that.

6 days ago

The stats presented don’t match what we see on a daily basis. Info needed about their data gathering. Something is fishy.

R. Gold
R. Gold
6 days ago

If the cigarette was lit and not part of his costume you would think there would be smoke in the photo. The article may or may not be true statistically, but the photo is nothing but clickbate