Graft Inquiry Warns Netanyahu of Possible Harm From Its Conclusions

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a ceremony for the victims of the 1948 Altalena incident, at Nachalat Yitzhak cemetery in Tel Aviv. June 18, 2024. Photo by Shaul Golan/POOL ***POOL PICTURE, EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES, PLEASE CREDIT THE PHOTOGRAPHER AS WRITTEN - SHAUL GOLAN/POOL*** *** Local Caption *** ð øàù äîîùìä áðéîéï ðúðéäå áè÷ñ îîìëúé ìçììé àìèìðä ááéú äòìîéï ðçìú éöç÷ øàù äîîùìä áðéîéï ðúðéäå

    TEL AVIV, Israel — An Israeli state investigation into an alleged graft scandal involving the purchase of submarines and other warships from Germany said Monday it has sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warning him that he could be harmed by its conclusions.

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    The inquiry, launched in 2022, is looking into an affair involving a $2 billion purchase of naval vessels from Germany’s Thyssenkrupp. A separate court proceeding into the case took testimony from the prime minister but he was not a suspect in the case.

    The warning letter could lead to Netanyahu being seen as more deeply implicated in the affair. Netanyahu is on trial for corruption in three other separate cases and he denies all charges.

    In a statement, Netanyahu said the submarine purchase was essential for Israel’s security needs.

    In announcing the warning letter, the committee said its work so far had indicated there had been “deep disruption” in decision-making in a number of sensitive areas surrounding the submarine purchase that threatened the country’s security and harmed the country’s international ties and economic interests.

    The committee did not detail the precise accusations against Netanyahu, but painted a picture of improper decision-making at multiple levels of government, the defense establishment and the military.

    The state commission of inquiry has sweeping authority to investigate and summon witnesses, and its recommendations typically guide government policy.

    The committee also sent warning letters to former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, who has emerged as an outspoken critic of Netanyahu, and Yossi Cohen, Netanyahu’s former national security adviser.

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    4 days ago

    We’re in the middle of possibly the most dangerous war ever towards Israel and it’s population and this stupid commission has tho now release damning material just goes to show how ridiculously deep is the divide. What a shame!

    Leftism is demented
    Leftism is demented
    4 days ago

    How about arresting Ehud Barak for treason ? Why not also castigate him for ceding security land in Lebanon? Then go after Lapid who more recently did the same .

    Reformed democrati
    Reformed democrati
    4 days ago

    He must be really doing a great job and growing stronger to have the left attack him again during a war that they allowed to