Ehud Barak, Leftist Israelis In NYT: Cancel Netanyahu’s Congress Speech, He Doesn’t Represent Us


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The invitation of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to address the US Congress has stirred significant controversy. Several high-profile Israelis, including former Prime Minister Ehud Barak and ex-Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, have penned an opinion piece in The New York Times, urging American lawmakers to cancel the speech.

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They emphasize that Netanyahu’s actions and policies do not represent the broader Israeli populace.

The uproar stems from a recent invitation extended by the US Congress to Netanyahu, asking him to speak at a joint session next month. This gesture, typically reserved for significant allies and global leaders, has been criticized by many left-wing Israelis, who argue that Netanyahu will use this platform to bolster his shaky grip on power back home, exploiting it to claim unwarranted US support for his controversial policies.

The opinion piece, signed by a diverse group of Israelis including scientists, former security officials, legal experts, and cultural figures, paints a grim picture of Netanyahu’s leadership.

These signatories include David Har’el, a renowned scientist; Talia Sasson, a legal expert and head of the New Israel Fund; and David Grossman, a celebrated author and bereaved father. They collectively argue that allowing Netanyahu to speak would essentially reward his “outrageous and destructive behavior.”

The signatories highlight several key points of contention:

1. Handling of the Gaza war: Netanyahu’s failure to develop a coherent strategy to end the ongoing war on Gaza and secure the release of captives held by Hamas.

2. Judicial Overhaul and Police Brutality: His controversial judicial reforms and the aggressive stance of Israel’s police against protesters and Palestinian citizens, led by  National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

3. Economic and Security Burden: The significant financial and security burdens borne disproportionately by the non-charedi population, as funds are redirected to charedi communities that do not share the same obligations.

The call to cancel Netanyahu’s speech shows a deeper political and social rifts within the Israeli Occupation. It reflects a growing unease about Netanyahu’s influence and the direction in which he is steering the country. The authors argue that Netanyahu’s actions are accelerating Israel’s decline, potentially leading to the loss of the state cherished by many Israelis

The opinion piece also addresses recent tensions between Netanyahu and the Biden administration. It criticizes the congressional invitation as a reward for Netanyahu’s disregard for American peace efforts, especially those aimed at alleviating the plight of Gaza’s population and seeking a broader regional peace.

The authors did not hold back in their condemnation:

“Netanyahu will not represent the State of Israel and its citizens,” they wrote, “His appearance will be a reward for his outrageous and destructive behavior towards our country.”

They accused Netanyahu of deliberately sabotaging potential deals with Hamas to prolong the war and avoid political accountability.

Highlighting the influence of far-right coalition partners like Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, they warned of their extreme positions, which include opposing any ceasefire and advocating for the occupation of Gaza.

The plea to American lawmakers is clear and urgent: Do not provide Netanyahu with a platform that could validate his contentious policies. By denying Netanyahu the opportunity to speak, the signatories hope to send a strong message about the need for genuine leadership that aligns with democratic values and the broader interests of all Israelis.

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Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
2 days ago

Coming form a guy who represents nobody speaking to a paper which is a basically a mouthpiece for hamas, the Democrats and other Jew haters.

2 days ago

Ahud Barak should be invited to speak at a correction facility, since he served time in prison, (where he belongs again now for Treason ימ״ש

Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
2 days ago

The left are scum helping Israel’s enemies because they hate Netanyahu so much.

2 days ago

Barak – you LOST big time and you have no say!!!!!!!!!! you can move to Tehran or with the neturei karta

2 days ago

It’s almost like leftists don’t understand how democracy works.

2 days ago

Barak the traitor wanted to give away 98% of shtachim, removed the Lebanon- Israel security zone and called for violent demonstrations. He belongs in jail.

2 days ago

Hamas thanks the Israeli leftists for being their spokespeople.

2 days ago

Iran would know how to silence voices of the Fifth Column like him. Its appalling to see how Israeli democracy literally shoots itself in the foot with the freedom of speech given to to any idiot or rosho, despite the untold damage it does to Israel and its citizens.

2 days ago

Imagine a “diverse” group of Republicans, including politicians, lawyers, authors, physicians and businessmen, agitating against an appearance by President Biden at, let’s say, Davos or a G7 summit on the grounds that he doesn’t represent them….

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
2 days ago

Barak should join his buddy Epstein.. and STFU. He’s an ex con who did nothing for the country since his days in the mossad do drag queen hits in Lebanon.
And ask yourselves why he was hanging out in Epsteins NYC apt?

ezras nashim
ezras nashim
2 days ago

This mazik and jailbird is also a megalomaniac. Oh I forgot “traitor.” He gets way too much press!

1 day ago

This guy has turned into an old and bitter person and a sore loser to boot !!!

Mr&Mrs AmHaAretz
Mr&Mrs AmHaAretz
2 days ago

Headline: “Ehud Barak, Leftist Israelis In NYT: Cancel Netanyahu’s Congress Speech, He Doesn’t Represent Us”
Who is “us”?
The Socialist International? The Progressive Alliance? The Labor Party/Meretz?

1 day ago

The older he gets, the stronger he resembles Communist party of the Soviet Union functionary.

1 day ago

Barak is a known no goodnik. He tried to give half of Jerusalem to the PA but Arafat wanted more!
May he rot for ever in heck….

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
2 days ago

It’s too bad Barak wasn’t taken hostage on Oct 7th. Hopefully they’ll still get him.