New York, NY – The Case for Anonymity For Bloggers.


    Your Voice On VIN by: Pinchas Milech

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    New York. NY – In light of the recent lawsuit filed against a fellow blogger,, we at Vos Iz Neias would like to express our stance on the issue. Few would argue that today’s bloggers are merely another nuisance to contend, since much has been accomplished thanks to their reporting efforts. Starting from a national level with the Clinton scandals and CBS’s “Rathergate”, to the recent blogger exposure of the 3-decade-long child molesting Flatbush Rabbi, and numerous daily stories on a local agenda, blogs have incited attention and relief for many major concerns.

    With a blog, anyone has power to make a difference. Thanks to freedom of speech, we can state our opinions openly and reach a large audience with our keystrokes. Blogs are not weighed down by the influences normally associated the other media, i.e. corporate culture, internal politics, outside pressure, etc. Orhomom’s blog was under attack precisely because of those issues. She voiced her complaints against Five Town’s school official, Pamela Greenbaum, who quickly went on the offensive. Ms. Greenbaum is now suing Google Inc. for release of the writer’s identity, and is considering a defamation lawsuit, as well. We are completely behind orthomom in the battle for her privacy. Blogs have tremendous clout, and in most cases respect, because authors can raise and fight sensitive subjects the public needs to be aware of. However, this is mainly due to leverage available when one operates under anonymity. In privacy, the blogger must not worry about reprisals to the touchy posts or vital discussions and arguments he or she may promote. This is the perfect method to enact change and revolutionize, for debate is only limited to matters posted and personal attacks are not possible.

    While we eagerly await the judge’s ruling on this case, we are keenly aware that this verdict will resonate strongly with bloggers worldwide. How many urgent issues will be swept under the rug if private authors are forced to reveal themselves? Or will bloggers be allowed to remain confidential, without reservations to speak out for the rest of us?

    Vos Iz Neias is a news blog by and for orthodox Jews. We work to serve the heimish communities with articles and information of importance and relevance. However, due to the many sensitive communal issues that may strike a chord with some, staying anonymous is our only option. It is only without the fear of personal repercussions that we can air the many important, albeit lightening-strike matters, which we do solely for the public’s benefit. Together with our readers we have the power to contribute to our society, to bring attention and help to many areas. As frum and anonymous blog editors, we appreciate the power all of you have brought to us, and utilize our influence for your benefit. However, without the mask of privacy, the public’s attention would be diverted from the issue at hand, to the people behind them. It is only for your advantage that we author our blog behind the cloak of anonymity.

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    17 years ago

    Bloggers must remain anonymous, so that the truth can come out, without anyone else getting hurt.

    Usually when one posts with his real name, they smear him and the real story then gets lost!
    Tendler sued the daylights out of, and now has to pay 22,360.00 to their lawyers!
    Long live the bloggers!

    17 years ago

    The right to free and PROTECTED speech in America is so great, that the court usually sides with the anonymous blogger, unless the party that is harmed can very clearly demonstrate that
    1) The information being circulated is false.
    2) The information is damaging.

    IF I spread a rumor that Mr Z. had cancer and now wears a toupee because of it, and that is not true, but nothing happens because of it; The court will allow me to remain anonymous. If on the other hand Mr. Z gets fired because his company believes that he has cancer and they don’t want to take a chance paying his long term care insurance or risk having a short term employee, the court will unmask me and give the go ahead to Mr. Z to sue my pants off.

    The classic case in frum circles is that of Mordechai Tendler. Certain bloggers published information about him that had for the most part already appeared in print media, TV news stories, and filed court papers. He sued in both Ohio and California to have the bloggers unmasked as an intimidation tactic, and for damage control, to limit public disemination of information about him. The defense claimed that he did not:
    1) Specify any particular statement that was threatening or damaging;
    2) He did not prove that any of these statements caused him damage;
    3) He did not prove that these bloggers were the originators of such statements;
    As such, the court refused to unmask the amnonymous bloggers. When he saw the writing on the wall, Tendler dropped the lawsuit. The bloggers, who had hired an attorney to represent them, filed suit for their attorneys fees under a new law called the SLLAP desiged to protect small parties against lawsuits by big companies filed for intimidation purpose only. The full story is here:

    Defrocked Rabbi Must Pay Anonymous Bloggers’ Attorney Fees

    These were 2 of the 4 cases that Mordechai Tendler filed in civil court against Jews without getting a Heter Arkaot from a bais din. The other two were in Rockland County. There remains a case filed against him in NYC. For the record, he has never shown up at any of the court cases or Din Torahs that HE HAS FILED.
    Being that it is public knowledge that many Rabbanim have signed and circulated a letter in Monsey that they have found the man to be less than honest, and no one should go to him for any shailos, especially not shalom bayis, geirus, or gittin; and as there have been numerous news articles in print and on TV, I proclaim this post to be loshon hora free.

    Mark Levin is The Great One
    Mark Levin is The Great One
    17 years ago

    Hey Anony 929a,

    My issue with your post is that you have no imagination to make up a name. Of course we should all be anon!

    17 years ago

    I say that the plight of the Bloggers is the test of FREE SPEECH. We all know that as soon as there is a name attached to a statement, the attacks begin. FREE SPEECH is blogging!

    Pamela Greenbaum
    Pamela Greenbaum
    17 years ago

    I also support the right to remain anonymous, except when you talk about me.

    17 years ago

    yes! power to the people.
    You cant take this away, like egypt and china, and other reshoim.
    blogging forever!

    17 years ago

    42 – Mark Levine complained that the 1st comment was being anonymous even though he didn’t agree with anonymity. The response was there is no way to not be anonymous here–and to demonstrate that, pointed out that even Mark Levine was anonymous despite having a ”name” attached.

    Anon 42
    Anon 42
    17 years ago

    But “Mark Levine” wasnt the one who said everyone should put their name to what they say – it was you Anon 1!

    17 years ago

    people so quickly for get the 1st amendment I believe it says something about free speech and besides if a person gets insulted about an anonymous person calling them ugly and corrupt then they should do some soul searching themselves instead of filing a lawsuit

    17 years ago

    The original comment here was not made in referance to the orthomox case. It was in general. Orthomom may be very right, and the suit against her entirely frivilous. But that is even more reason she does not need to be anonymous to fight that imbecile on the school board suing her.

    And ”Mark Levin” you too are anonymous. No one knows yur identity. In fact it is almost impossible to post here anyway other than anonymosly. By having some concocted name or id in blogger (i.e. ”Mark Levin), it does not make you any less anonymous than posting under ‘anonymous.’

    17 years ago

    how very true orthomom is rightly concerned as we all know that government will use your money time and power to squash or smear any opposition. we see this over and over and than when the truth comes out the politician goes to jail or resigns with mud on the face. it is unfortunate that all our politicians are so short sighted that they do not even see what is going on in front of their faces. more andd more people are disenfranchised by the government and its agents whether in the five towns or brooklyn. i for one believe that our governing bodies in nyc are a failure. look at any agency and none can do anything correctly. every week 2 firemen get arrested, garbage pick up haphazzard, police filthy mouthed pigs, construction sure put a fire box in mioddle of a curb cut or end a sidewalk in a tree and on and on. it would be nice if our governing bodies were accountable but they are only accountable before they win afterwards they do what they want even though elected by us.

    i too support orthmom as she understands that she is being taxed for services she nor 70% of the community use and she is standing up for continued govt waste

    17 years ago

    I agree with R’ Pinchas Meilech 100%. When one is trying to bring a sensitive issue to the fore, one cannot afford to be sidetracked by personal threats, attacks, etc. Remember, the “establishment” has created the problem that the blogger is seeking to expose. The blogger has no protection from the establishment while the establishment, by definition, has the protection and backing of the public. Only after public support has moved away from the establishment position to the blogger’s position can the blogger even begin to consider removing the cloak of anonymity. Regardless, once the cloak of anonymity is removed, the blogger loses much of his/her power, e.g., UOJ.

    Mark Levin is The Great One
    Mark Levin is The Great One
    17 years ago

    Yeah anon, show your true colors and hide behind “Anonymous.” you are a wuss!

    17 years ago

    If someone has something legitimate to say they should not be afraid to attach their name to it, instead of hiding behind the cloak of anonyiminity under the guise of worrying about vague ”reprecussions.”

    Are they afraid John Gotti will order the mafia to make a hit on them for what they put on their blog? Or are they afraid that if they say something untrue that people will now know ”who” made the statement, insteaad of hiding beind a wall? I think the latter.

    Yes, they make take heat for controversial statements. But that is part of life. Stand up for what you believe in. Do not hide.