Jerusalem – Court: Evidence Suggests Mother Accused of Starving Child Poses Danger to Other Kids


    Jerusalem – Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Ravid ruled today that the evidence gathered in the case against the haredi woman accused of starving her toddler son, suggests she poses a threat to her other children as well.

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    The court heard the State’s motion to limit the woman’s house arrest further and Justice Ravid noted that the evidentiary basis of the case was solid enough to secure a conviction.

    The Parole Service is schedule to file its evaluation as to whether or not the woman poses a danger to her other children at the beginning of the week.

    The court will debate the review next Monday, with the aim of ruling on the prosecution’s motion to bar her from seeing her other children.

    Reviewing the evidence in the case, Ravid noted that “the photographs (of the three-year-old boy abused) bear witness to the dire situation he was in before he was taken from her and the immense improvement he has experienced since.”

    Ravid also reviewed the testimonies of the physicians who treated the toddler, saying that they, along with other evidence, suggested the mother not only tampered with the variety of feeding treatments given to the child by the hospital, “But also treated him in a harsh and cruel manner, which goes against the nature of a caring mother.”

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    15 years ago

    i am perplexed where is the father in all this can anyone please tell me is the father a tottal disfunctional person wasnt he also in the house with the rest of the family

    15 years ago

    Why is there even any debate any longer. There is solid evidence from experts she is a risk to her own kids. That alone should be a sufficient basis to hold her in prison away from ANY children. Its only because of the threat of further Hareidi violence and rioting that they are giving her such lenient treatment.

    15 years ago

    Anyone who has grown up in a severely dysfunctional family knows that this is how it is in dysfunctional families, everyone will do anything to A: not rock the boat or change the status quo, B: Do anything to make sure the family does not get broken up or kids taken away. All at the expense of those being abused. Zeh Hachayim.

    15 years ago

    Dear “Anonymous” Agent Provocateur: We know that it stands to reason that the job of a prosecutor is to convict, and that if he or she had any doubt as to the merits of the case, it would not move forward. That is also the point of the hearing today more or less. What we do not have presented however, is a fair and equally well organised defence. How can anyone so callously convict a mother and destroy a family whilst hearing only one side of the case? This suggests strong anti-haredi bias and completely taints your postings far more than burning rubbish in the streets by those who constantly see imbalanced justice and prejudice.

    15 years ago

    What? Just last week the Yated said the case was falling apart….

    15 years ago

    there seems to be a vast amount evidence. Of course she needs to go to trial.
    However, when there is very strong evidence the prudent thing would be to temporary remove the children from her care to avoid a tragedy.

    It is just common sense, to err on the side to protect the children.

    For those who think this is a which hunt, and just a because they hate cheredeim, if that where true and they really hated the cheredeim the best thing they could do is leave the children with the mother, and let the mother abuse the other childrem

    shmiras haloshon
    shmiras haloshon
    15 years ago

    the sefer shmiras halashon clearly states taht one must not belive this type of loshon hora, but may, and sometimes must take precautions from harm that may come of the info being correct. teh chofetz chaim clearly holds that these children, until there is clear proof that she is not a risk, must be removed from her care!

    15 years ago

    I am no taking a position sdince I dont know the facts . The problem here is that unlike in the US ,there is a culture war in Israel . The secular leftists feel that having too many Chareidim around ,will ruin their vision of A free Zionistic country . Due to this ,there have been many cases where the leftists have done terrible things to Chareidim and fabricated stories . ,due to their belief that the ends ( of establishing an “enlightened secular society ” ) justifies the means ( defaming Chareidim .

    Mos observers do not understand this and just assume that the courts ,police and prosecutors are just as belivable as in other Western Countries .

    This is not the case . In the Us we have differences of opinion between liberals and conservatives but at the end of the day ,we all feel like Americans .

    In Israel .there is a group of elite secular leftists ,who feel they can not coexist with religious jews as Religion negates their whole worldvie of Zionism which in turn negates there whole reason for having established a secular state .

    Therefore ,as much as it is possible that this woman is ill and needs help .it is equally possible that there is a secular plot by some people to make her look bad .

    I know this is hard to believe by the average onlooker ,but unfortunately it is true .

    15 years ago

    Wouldn’t the principle of safek sakanah dictate that the authorities must ACT as if she were guilty and do what is needed to protect the children?

    15 years ago

    i grew up in a disfunctional home. i am effected until today – married with children. i wish that someone would have taken care of us. in the streets – people thought we were just a pretty regular family- so i dont blame anyone for not caring. However, my aunts, uncles etc knew the matzav and they did nothing. me and my siblings always cried and just pulled thru and hoped for the best. If anyone ever notices anything wrong in any family – put in your heart and care – you could really make the difference.

    15 years ago

    Please, please I beseech all of you to refrain from harshly judging this woman and leave it in the hands of the attorneys. None of you posting anything above really understands the facts in this case and it is assur to speak as you are, assur d’raita in many ways…

    15 years ago

    #12 you need to take the initiative. There are people in LAKEWOOD that would help you. May Hashem give you strength.

    Wanting to help
    Wanting to help
    15 years ago

    To the above posters that are currently in dysfunctional homes. Please try to reach out to someone who can help. What is obvious to you, may not be obvious to outside observers (even aunts & uncles). Please call the Shalom Task Force or Ohelor some local organization that will gladly assist you even if you want to remaqin anonymous!

    15 years ago

    Nobody here understand the culture war going on in Israel with the elite left bent on preserving their “enlightenes Zionist secular State ” at all cost ,

    15 years ago

    I live in Jerusalem. The court here is not impartial, often the verdict is preset. I was involved with a case where the lawyers who offered to plead for the defendant were called in to the police one by one and threatened with losing their jobs. The defendant was convicted, thank you very much.
    Is the woman right, or the hospital? I have no idea. What I do know is that the court case and the “evidence” may be all trash.

    shimon taylor
    shimon taylor
    15 years ago

    All I know is that there is very strong evidence, from various scources, that the doctors are only protecting themselves from the dire trouble the mother was going to get them into. And the mother is no match for the police, courts and media when it comes to situations like this.
    I believe that the battle should be fought and fought and fought, without respite, to expose the truth in all this.
    It is absolutely obvious that they have been terrified and therefore have been persecuting this woman without any letup, so that the truth should not come out.