Jerusalem – Gafni Attacked in Mea Shearim For ‘cooperating with Zionist regime’ [video]


    KNESSET MEMBER MOSHE GAFNI whisked awayJerusalem – Knesset members Uri Maklev and Moshe Gafni (both United Torah Judaism) were attacked Thursday in the ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Shearim.

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    A Gafni aide said to Ynet that the attackers were members of the Sikarikim group, considered to be among the most extreme of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta movement, know for its opposition to the State of Israel and its institutions. They were responsible for a similar incident about a month ago in which stones were thrown at Minister of Internal Affairs Eli Yishai (Shas).

    The incident took place near one of the synagogues in the area. According to eyewitness reports, the two MKs had stones thrown at them and Gafni even had a chair hurled at his back. They ran away from the scene to the house of Rabbi Salonim.

    They had previously met with Rabbi Elyashiv, and at the time of the attack had been engaged in dialogue between the two rabbis about the Emmanuel affair and the continuation of the struggle. They had just completed the minhah prayer in a synagogue when they were attacked by a group that protested their cooperation with the “Zionist regime.”

    “This is proof that these hooligans don’t just hurt the secular public but even the haredim themselves,” the aide said to Ynet. “Worse than that – they hurt representatives of the public who are delegates of the sages of Israel.”

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    14 years ago

    The Sikrakim are defacing the face of Haredi Jews, they are violent, hateful and heartless. Everyone in Yerushalayim is suffering from them, even the frumest of the frum. Remember what the ultimate REAL Kanai Harav Amram Blau Zt”l said “A Kanai teilt nisht petch, er chapt nor petch” meaning = “A zealot does not hit, A zealot gets beaten”. I guess he meant real Kanaim, not the fake Sikrikim, who just love to be outlaws.

    reb yona
    reb yona
    14 years ago

    “The incident took place near one of the synagogues in the area.”
    it looks like the writer of this article has never been to Meah Shearim where there are several synagogues on every block.

    14 years ago

    the mentally disturbed are at it again violence is their weapon and terror is their method

    14 years ago

    to avoid such confrontations in the future, knesset members should be prohibited from entering meah shearim just like jews are not allowed to enter the Har Habais because the police don’t want to invoke riots by the arabs

    14 years ago

    So why aren’t the Sikrikim put into chairem? The ‘sages of Israel’ have done that for less important things than pikuach nefesh and chilul hashem.

    14 years ago

    something doesn’t make sense here. i keep on seeing comments about this group that they’re only a handful or maximun 20 people. now if it’s so certain that the attackers were members of the Sikarikim group why can’t they be arrested?

    14 years ago

    gafni should have known better and shouldn’t have gone there without maximum security.

    14 years ago

    I feel bad for Gafni but the orthodox parties in the Knesset have consistently opposed efforts by prior governments that would have provided more direct measure for the police to take against Chareidi fanatics who engaged in violent behavior. He and his colleagues are now victims of the “frankensteins” they have protected and nurtured. The simple answer is that this small fringe group must be stamped out completely and either imprisoned indefinitely or expelled from EY.

    olam hafooch ra'eeti
    olam hafooch ra'eeti
    14 years ago

    they honor and respect the arabs and dishonor and disrepect hareidi jews…

    14 years ago

    As you sow, so shall you reap.

    14 years ago

    It looks like they are walking into the Slonimer Bais Medrash, on the corner of Salant & Slonim, which is right near Harav Elyashiv’s home & the caravans in which he Davens & says Shiurim.

    14 years ago

    I wonder how these members of Knesset can stomach discourse with rishaim.

    actual Jew
    actual Jew
    14 years ago

    hooligans and thugs. given the chance, they would do much worse.
    i read an interesting article about the heads of NK. sick, sick people. the guy who horrifically abused kids in Israel and then ran to Brazil was NK and was hidden by NK. they only gave him up when local Brazilian cops threatened to start sniffing around their community.
    and in Eretz Yisrael! shanda!

    14 years ago

    Sikrikim in the Talmud means murderers. If these thugs named themselves, they are big ameratzim too.

    Pashuteh Yid
    Pashuteh Yid
    14 years ago

    Funny thing is that these UTJ politicians were in the middle of condemning the Zionists, not cooperating. If they were actually cooperating, Moshiach would be here. Until the Chareidi world wakes up to how for off they are from normal human behavior and derech eretz, these incidents will continue.

    When was the last time you saw a fist-fight in a Young Israel? In that crowd, they understand that Derech Eretz Kadmah Letorah. In the Chareidi world it is the opposite. Societal norms don’t apply, because everybody is holier than the next guy, so they don’t apply to him.

    It is such a sickness, and worse, because the entire Chareidi world is oblivious to it. Literally, the law of the jungle prevails. And the whole purpose of the Torah was to teach menschlachkeit. Somehow, this most basic message got lost, and the tafel was made the ikar. It is mamash like watching uncivilized savages go at it in a forest. And they actually think this is holy behavior, and G-d is smiling down at them.

    How in the world did the Chareidi world go so far off the derech?

    Anon Ibid Opcit
    Anon Ibid Opcit
    14 years ago

    This is exactly the sort of garbage Hamas says and does. If they’re going to attack Israelis for being Israeli, then they should be treated exactly like Hamas terrorists. Let’s start by tearing down their houses, throwing them in prison and getting out the clubs and guns when they riot and preach sedition in the streets.

    Where are the people
    Where are the people
    14 years ago

    I don’t understand if these Neturei Karta people are only a handful then why can’t 1000 or so Charedim go out and beat up these people and stop this Neturei karta Meshugas once and for all…

    14 years ago

    If they stoop to the level of the ‘holy’ hooligans the hooligans have won.

    We will have all become them.

    14 years ago

    Wake up! Remember “Ayal”, the group that incited Amir and was run by Shabak plant Raviv? These Sikariki are the same thing – Shabak plants, oisvorfen working for the Shabak to make all Charedim look bad.

    14 years ago

    Where are the arrests? Cart the attacker off to jail for many years. Where are the police?