London – Israeli Judge: Learn from Nazis to Improve Israel’s PR Efforts


     Retired Israeli Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto London – “We must learn from the Nazi tactics,” Retired Israeli Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto said during a conference discussing ways to improve the State of Israel’s PR efforts in the world.

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    The meeting, was attended by some 150 senior Jewish legal experts.

    Ben-Itto said during the conference that Israel should adopt the tactics used by the Nazis after they distributed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Refusing to reach a compromise and continuing their battle in the courts although they had no proof of the protocols.

    “I thought about it, about our ‘hasbara’, and nothing is working because our story is complicated and the world is used to a sound bite,” she explained.

    “I have reached the conclusion that we must use these tactics in courts worldwide, just like the Nazis – with all distinctions – used the courts to spread their message.”

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    13 years ago

    this takes the cake of stupidy

    13 years ago

    If a goy would have said this !!! That’s right you guessed ,
    he or she would be called an Anti S.

    13 years ago

    She was a Judge. Who am I to judge. But she is not very judicious .

    13 years ago

    She’s honest, astute, and 100% right.

    The arabs and islamic murderers have taken Goebbels’ “big lie” strategy to places no propagandists have ever gone before. They manufacture facts at will, and just as easily deny proof and evidence based on verifiable historical evidence and credibly reported testimony. By repeating these lies over and over, expanding their measures of absurdity with each retelling, they become rooted in fact, and less necessary to defend.

    13 years ago

    Her words were taken out of context. She did not praise the nazis, only (in her misguided mind) implied that Israel could learn from their successful propaganda methods. But she, and all the others who are repeatedly getting slapped in the face fail to realize that there are a different set of dynamics at work here. The disdain that all the Goyishe nations feel for them as Jews is at work. No matter the amount of PR on the Israeli side, it won’t change one Iota. The only thing that will help is praying to H’ and relying on H’. And hating the Religious Jews a little less and showing a little more respect and Achdus.

    13 years ago

    oh boy! there go those what will the goyim say crowd. #1 &2. our agender should always ALWAYS be jewish survival. what if we use what the nazis did or what the pope did or what luther did or what muchamid did.we our G-Ds people and must survive.kudos to the lady judge.

    13 years ago

    Does anyone want to place a million dollar wager that this line: “We must learn from the Nazi tactics” will quoted on over a thousand Arab, Moslem, and white supremecist websites in the next 72 hours? How could someone be so stupid not see the potential for abuse of this quotation? Retired Judge Hadassa Ben-Idiotto should have her pension revoked for the damage she has just done to Zionist state that I don’t hold from anyway.

    13 years ago

    I understand what the judge meant, but she could have made the same points without referring to nazis. I predict that the Judge’s unfortunate choice of words will become new material for leftists who already accuse Israel of “following nazi tactics” in other areas. So much for improved PR efforts.

    13 years ago

    I think what’s truly silly and misguided about her comments is her belief that Israel needs to increase their propaganda machine! From some one who lives in the west where you can’t even critique Israeli Gov’t policy with out being burned at a metaphorical stake, it looks to me, like the Israeli PR department is doing just fine.

    13 years ago

    Ben-Itto is a decorated Holocaust scholar and I seriously doubt she said this. Where this “meeting” was? When was it? What was the context? Where is the source? This is just defamatory claptrap unless verifyable facts are presented.

    13 years ago

    She, completely misjudged the consequences of her absurd remarks .

    13 years ago

    she’s trying to make a point by using the most extreme example. As she said, she’s clearly distinguishing between us and them, but as brilliant propagandists all know, the best defense is a good offense. If you examine any statements ever made by sonei Yisroel you will note that they never ever defend themselves their strategy is singularly based on attacking us.