New York, NY – School Bus GPS Tracking A Boon to Parents and Yeshivos


    The Moshelow Yeshiva in Borough Park is one of the Mosdos using the system.New York, NY – A Brooklyn based computer software firm serving dozens of yeshivos in Borough Park, Williamsburg and Monsey is providing its clients with the opportunity to bring technology aboard their school buses using state of the art GPS tracking.

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    JL Computers, located in Flatbush, has created a program featuring up to the minute GPS tracking that can pinpoint the location of any bus and can text parents several moments before the bus’s arrival, saving parents and children endless waiting time.

    “Parents sometimes call up the school and say the bus never came,” Joel Lebovits, owner of JL Computers told VIN News. “If the yeshiva is using our GPS system, it can tell them not only precisely what time the bus arrived at their stop, but how exactly long it sat there waiting for their son or daughter.”

    According to Leibovits, the response from both parents and the schools has been very enthusiastic and VIN News is aware of three yeshivos that are already using the system: the Moshelow Yeshiva in Borough Park and two other schools in Williamsburg and Monsey which asked not to be named.

    “This new hi-tech system is revolutionary and a life changer,” stated Eli Wohl, a parent and VIN news photographer. “Before this system was in place, my wife would daily wait for the bus, never knowing if it was running early or late, which was especially tough during the harsh winter weather. Busses could sometimes come an hour late, but with the new system that was put in place this year, my wife never waits more than two minutes for the bus since we are notified exactly what time the bus will be coming.”

    The engine mounted GPS systems, which cannot be seen without looking under the hood of the bus, can be a valuable tool for schools, giving them the opportunity to monitor exactly how and when the bus is being driven, enabling them to run their bus routes more efficiently and more economically.

    “If the driver takes the bus out at night for his own use, the yeshiva will know,” explained Lebovits. “If he idles the engine for a long time, which wastes gas, the school will be aware of that as well. Mosdos will know which children were picked up, when they were dropped off. This gives yeshivos the capability to transport their children as safely and as wisely as possible.”

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    12 years ago

    Great news. A must for every single bus in this traffic-ridden city of NY

    yaakov doe
    yaakov doe
    12 years ago

    Maybe with this system the buses in Boro Park could stop one on a block instead of at 3-4 different houses as they now do.

    12 years ago

    Can we get this in Monsey especially for east Ramapo

    12 years ago

    its a moiredega zach!!

    12 years ago

    Hopefully it is a secure system so that nisht-gevintchene people should not be able to know exactly when our buses are.

    12 years ago

    my kids go to Mushelo Yeshiva I get a text message every day when the bus started its route and 3-4 min. before arrival,it is great and so is Mushelo Yeshiva,,great Cheder…gmar chasima tova

    12 years ago

    Why not call the Mossad directly? The phone number is required to be on the back of all school buses. Let the school deal with the driver. I would think the schools would care if they got a call saying their bus driver was seen driving and talking on a cell phone. Than again MAYBE it was an emergency and than the law allows you to make an emergency phone call while drving.