New York – State Senate Pushes Bill For Reinstatement Of Lever Voting Machines


    New York – Four New York State senators are calling for the Board of Elections to get rid of its $60 million electronic voter machines and revert back to the old mechanical lever machines in time for the upcoming mayor election, the New York Daily News reports (

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    Staten Island legislators, Republican Andrew Lanza and Democrat Diane Savino, and Brooklyn Democrat Simcha Felder have joined with Brooklyn Republican Marty Golden to push for the passage of a bill which allows for the use of lever machines in New York City municipal elections.

    “These new-fangled voting machines are a disaster,” said Senator Simcha Felder. “Seniors can’t see the ballot text; voters are confused about how to fill out the ballot; and Election Day in New York City has become synonymous with chaos and dysfunction.”

    The senators say the Board of Elections will be unable to hold run-off election using the electronic scanners because the machines and cannot be re-set in time for the mandated turnaround of 14 days between the primaries and any runoffs.

    “There’s enough discomfort and distrust of the system that people are alarmed,” said Senator Martin Golden. “The last election was held 123 days ago, and the New York City Board of Elections is still finding ballots to be counted.”
    The Board of Elections refused to comment on the legislation, but rejected the notion of reinstating the old machines at its meeting earlier this week.

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    11 years ago

    When will they change the while system to be on line?

    11 years ago

    The lever machines, also had mechanical problems. One time, when I went to vote, using the old lever machines, one of the levers became stuck, and I couldn’t depress it, and vote for the candidate of my choice. There was nothing that I could do. Once you open the curtain, the voting process is over, and the vote can’t be rectified. In any event, I’ve used the electronic voting machines, and I found nothing wrong with them. However, the best system is to vote by absentee ballot. There, in the privacy of one’s home, you can take your sweet time, and vote for the candidate or issue of your choice. I’ve been voting by absentee ballot for eight years. In Ohio, one does not have to present an excuse or a particular reason, why one chooses to vote by absentee ballot. There are those who perpetrate a myth that “your absentee ballot won’t count”. It is absolute nonsense to think in those terms, as hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans vote by absentee ballot, as they are sick and tired of waiting on long voting lines, and dealing with machines which don’t work.

    11 years ago

    What they’re really saying is that the old system is easier to manipulate than the new system. I have issues with the new system in that the secret ballot isn’t so secret as that manilla folder doesn’t have much coverage. You need to be adept at putting your ballot through the scanner and patient as well. As for on-line balloting, why bother, why don’t we just text our vote, ala the reality talent shows. You can vote as many times as you want within a certain time period. Does it really make a difference (thanks Hillary) how many votes you cast? Regarding seniors, these same politicians have no ethical objection to loading up vans on election and taking seniors to voting polls and assisting them, electioneering laws should be revamped too.

    11 years ago

    The new system is ridiculous. What used to take 1 min, tops, now can take up to 5; and that’s if you already know what your doing. Having to stand there and fill out the little circles on the ballot is tedious, time consuming, and frankly, annoying.

    The complicated, convoluted system really had an impact in the 5 towns this past election. Election was a little over a week after Sandy, most local polling sites had no lights or heat. Many people just couldn’t bear standing on line in the dark, in the freezing cold, and left. Those who did stay, when it was their turn, barely able to even see the ballot, instead of standing around filling in 15 or so circles, only voted for president, which was the first item on the ballot.

    Voting records for 2012, in terms of the wide disparity in votes cast for president vs. other local candidate demonstrates a serious issue with the election results. And a serious problem with this method.

    11 years ago

    When we voted for predisant u can image what was going on there! If they won’t change the system then pple will stop voting!

    11 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with the old old-fashioned method of making a penciled mark against a candidate’s name on a piece of paper when voting. Sure, it’s “low-tech” in the extreme, but it works. No hanging chads, or anything to invalidate a vote.

    Jews might object to marking a cross for reasons that are obvious (to us), but that is a matter for negotiation before setting up such a system. Yes, the method is labor-iintensive when it comes to counting votes but there are plenty of people who would be pleased with a couple of days’ work as tellers.

    Paper-based votes are still used quite successfully in countries across Europe. Democracy there does not suffer.

    As far as I can see, the only people who would object to such a scheme would be te manufacturers of voting machines, be they lever operated or electronic.

    11 years ago

    The sooner they change it back, the better!!

    Anon Ibid Opcit
    Anon Ibid Opcit
    11 years ago

    Good. The lever-action voting machine was just about the best, most tamper-proof voting mechanism ever devised.

    11 years ago

    About time!

    The waiting of hours for the new three step process was ridiculous. It also discouraged people from voting.

    11 years ago

    Why can’t the Board of Elections just pass out the ballots in advance? Then you can take them home and ponder over your choices. On Election Day, they would check your credentials and then let you scan your ballot.