New York – New Bill Would Allow Electronic Access Between Motorists, Insurance Providers During Traffic Stop


    New York – A proposed bill would allow for a direct link between motorists with smartphones and insurance providers, making it easier to provide proof of insurance during traffic stops and other matters.

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    The bill was introduced by Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) who said the bill is essentially a “common-sense” piece of legislation that will aid both motorists and law enforcement.

    Current law requires motorists to provide written proof of insurance coverage during traffic stops, but Hikind said being able to access documentation electronically will make it a lot easier for people than having to locate a piece of paper they may not have seen in months.

    The bill, which is co-sponsored by Senator Simcha Felder, alread has 17 additional sponsors in the Assembly.

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    11 years ago

    WOW…for once, something where everyone benefits. Just wanna see how receptive the cops will be??

    11 years ago

    I’m sure Bloomberg will take exception to this bill, because it will nip Government where it hurts.

    11 years ago

    I wonder how hard it will be to fake… a PDF that you can change on your computer to show that you have it but it really expired 2 years ago…

    11 years ago

    “I wasn’t.alking on cell or texting… I was getting my insurance card”