New York – MTA Re-launches ‘See Something, Say Something’ Campaign


    New York – The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is re-launching the “If you see something, say something” public safety campaign that it started after the Sept. 11 attacks.

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    The MTA started the campaign relaunch on Monday, with ads and videos featuring people who did say something when they saw something that they thought was suspicious. The new campaign adds the slogan, “New Yorkers Keep New York Safe.”

    MTA officials said the goal of the new slogan is to show riders that reporting something is easy to do and that it’s important for public safety.

    The MTA says the videos will run online and the print ads will be on trains and buses and in stations.

    The original campaign was created in 2002.

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    8 years ago

    There’s no one to report something too after Deblasio came to town! All those homeless and all….

    Famed Member
    8 years ago

    Has anyone said anything that has helped?
    They report for example, “In 2014 – 4,819 people saw something and said something” with a picture of a suspicious package, but how many of those reports saved anything or was it just 4,819 incidents of “train delays” ?
    Those that we are dealing with are not cowards who leave a suspect package and run away, they use suicide vests & backpacks to cause the most harm and are not afraid to die.
    If anyone does see anything suspicious like that, it will probably be too late.