Brooklyn, NY – Final Farewell For Holeiner Rebbe, Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Hershkowitz


    Brooklyn, NY – More than one thousand people took to the streets of Williamsburg this morning to pay their final respects to Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Hershkowitz, the Holeiner Rov who passed away on Shabbos at the age of 94.

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    Rabbi Hershkowitz, a noted posek, had been a member of the Klausenberger Beis Din for more than 70 years and had been a senior dayan at the beis din for years.

    The funeral took place at 11 AM this morning the Sanz Klausenberg Beis Medrash at 131 Lee Avenue. Numerous streets were closed in the area to accommodate the mourners who flocked to the area in order to pay their final respects to Rabbi Hershkowitz.

    Rabbi Hershkowitz will be laid to rest in Israel.

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    7 years ago

    How painful the world just list a REAL TRUE TORAH JEW. A tzadik emes ztz”l

    7 years ago

    A true irreplaceable loss for klal yisrael!! One that was already considered a foremost Gadol 50 yrs ago!

    7 years ago

    When I had a shaila of dinei nefoshos, all the biggest local poiskim unanimously sent me to Rabbi Hershkowitz. A godol biYisroel. Yehi zichroi boruch.