Washington – FBI Investigator Texted ‘We’ll Stop’ Trump


    Washington – An FBI investigator who worked on probes into Hillary Clinton’s emails and into Russian interference in the 2016 election told an FBI lawyer “we’ll stop” Donald Trump from becoming president.

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    The inflammatory texts between Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page are highlighted in the report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, which is critical of former FBI director James Comey’s handling of the investigations.

    According to the report, Page texted Strzok in August 2016: “(Trump’s) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

    Strzok responded: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

    The report says the watchdog “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence” that political bias directly affected parts of the probe, it says Page and Strzok’s conduct “cast a cloud over the entire FBI investigation.”

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    6 years ago

    hmm yoni, phineas what do you say about the whitchhunt??

    No we can’t question law enforcement. They always only abide by the law.

    yaakov doe
    yaakov doe
    6 years ago

    Archy, what are you going to say when the Mueller investigation concludes after Michael Cohen turns on Donald J Trump? I trust that you will contribute to Trump’s defense fund after he’s indicted.

    6 years ago

    Seems the comments here overlook the self-evident. Comey was stuck with the problem that he already publicly assured the voters that everything in the Clinton investigation was revealed to them and he would hold nothing back if anything new was uncovered. So by over-helping Clinton in this way he cornered himself when new e-mails were uncovered. If someone “leaked” word of the new discoveries then it would have been far worse for the Clinton campaign (and for him personally), especially if that leak was before the last day of the election. Comey simply saw revealing the new discoveries himself as the lesser of two evils (in terms of the negative consequences for himself and for Clinton.).

    6 years ago

    Remember the aibishtor runs the world not the Clintons or Obamas

    6 years ago

    While the Comey revelation certainly didn’t help her, the fact is that Clinton was her own worst enemy. She smugly assumed that America owed her the Presidency so not only did she decline to campaign in contested States (States that Obama won twice) she intentionally insulted half of the voters. Not a good way to get folks to vote for you.
    Also, Harvard trained lawyer and political activist that she is, she apparently failed 8th Grade Civics, the part that describes the electoral system that’s been electing American Presidents for over 200 years. Which method, in this case, worked exactly as the Founding Fathers intended. The result being that, not only did a political novice beat her at a game she was supposedly expert in, he spent half as much money as she did doing it,
    to paraphrase Churchill’s description of Clement Atlee, “Hillary is an arrogant woman with very little to be arrogant about.”

    6 years ago

    When is Peter Strzok going to be fired, or at least suspended? Why does he still have his job at the FBI???