WILLIAMSBURG (VosIzNeias) – In a shocking display of hate, a group of hoodlums can be seen smashing the windows of a Williamsburg synagogue during Rosh Hashanah prayers.
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In a recently released video, the group can be seen running up to the synagogue, which is located in the area of Throop Ave & Bartlett St in Williamsburg. One member of the group stands off to the side to see if anyone is coming, while another two lift large objects.
They then both hurl the objects at the synangogue windows, smashing them.
The group then runs off together.
The NYPD is investigating the incident.
Group #CaughtOnCamera throwing an object- breaking the window of a synagogue on Throop and Bartlett during #RoshHashana Prayers. If you have any info, please contact @NYPD90Pct or @NYPDTips at #800577tips and @WspuShomrim at 7182370202. @NYPDHateCrimes pic.twitter.com/1HkRviJwNv
— Williamsburg News (@WmsbgNews) October 2, 2019
NYPD is really good at “investigating” as they seem to do that a lot and have no conclusion.
Well, at least they didn’t call them illegal immigrants, that would really set Deblasio off!
Using the outdated 1930’s term ‘hoodlums’ only helps to reflect the childlike, perpetually victimized state of the community in Willy. The NYC cops don’t take that term or the kollel seriously. Call them criminal or terrorists, but not ‘hoodlums’. That went out with ‘J.Ds’ and the Dead End Kids. Self defense once in a blue moon would help…
Dont blame the Mayor he used his strongest terms to condemn these acts and will prosecute them to the fullest extend…
Hello Curtis Sliwa AKA Guardian angels please save the community you so love.
Hmmmm they look just like obama’s theoretical sons
Steven Right; Not O’Bum’s “son” just relatives. They ALL belong in the same thrash-heap…
In the old days, the JDL would have taken care of those scum, big time!