We Begged Him Not to go to Shul


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    He was one of those who never missed a minyan.  He owned a business and always worked it out that he attended minyanim – even during those times that he had long business trips -which were frequent.  His dedication made the rest of the family look bad.

    And then the Gedolim came out with no more minyanim.

    He didn’t listen.  He continued attending and so did that whole shul.  We begged him and explained that he was putting others at risk.  He ridiculed the idea.

    “Everyone else is going everywhere.  There are lines at grocery stores, Goyim are going to the beaches.  And I should stop going to shul?  You are all crazy.”

    “But the Gedolim said…”

    “I am going to shul and I will be fine.”

    Now, he has it.  We are all worried.  The family has taken over the business – but it is very hard, and we do not know what to do with many things – but if we don’t take it over – it will fall apart.

    I write this as a warning to other people.  Please don’t be foolish or headstrong.  If Gedolim say not to go – please listen.  I know that there are hundreds of other families just like ours.  May Hashem grant us all yeshuos v’nechamos.

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    4 years ago

    Nah, you’re overblowing it. According to Educated Archy it’s just a little flu. No problem. Listen to Archy. Go about your business as usual; you can’t stop the malach hamoves.

    4 years ago

    Or how about the yeshivos that stayed open not just in Lakewood. Shame on them this is what they taught their talmidim go against the law against rabbanim and against health professionals. The torah they learn says v’nishmartem MEOD L’nofshoshaichem. when it comes to matzos and an esrog theyre much more machmir than their lives??? how did the R”Y take responsibility to stay open. Boys did get sick then they sent them home but that’s a joke cuz for a minimum of 2 days before they showed symptoms they were contagious. that means the other boys the r”y and their families are now at risk.

    4 years ago

    And if your Rebbe goes against the advice of the medical, infectious disease and health experts, get a new Rebbe.

    4 years ago

    Refu’ah shleimah. Refu’at hanefesh AND refu’at haguf.

    4 years ago

    sounds like a phoney emotional article, no name, no location, but it is emes….
    protect yourselves and stay away from crowds, close minyanim and simchas.

    4 years ago

    I am not saying it is right or correct to go to shul and yes they probably should be closed for the time being

    But cases are exploding all over NYC and more so in the jewish community majority who Did NOT go to shul recently- i know of many who haven’t stepped into shul who contracted it so unless you can point to a definite connection between shul the 1 or 2 shuls still open barely have a minyan and everyone stands 20 feet apart

    Anyways I’d like to wish whoever this is a refuah shelema along w anyone else who contracted this

    4 years ago

    When Trump shut flights to and from China, de Blasio & DevilRats told us to play in the streets.

    4 years ago

    Ushmartem Es Nafischem! One must take normal precautions and then pray that HKBH” will
    grant that it works . Unless you are the Baal Shem Tov you cannot depend on your broom shooting like a gun.

    Yaakov Doe
    Yaakov Doe
    4 years ago

    Considering the number of rabbonim who are either ill or were nifter from the virus it’s evident that they either contracted the virus in shul or at the many simchas they attended

    4 years ago

    How is it possible there are people in the Frum world that still do not get it. If you cannot understand how a Minyan can be a problem then not sure what to tell you. Even the Gedolim agree with this!!!! Please get help.

    If you want to die, or cause others to die including your own family, go daven with a minyan if that makes you feel better.

    4 years ago

    Plot twist. He caught it in the pharmacy

    Divray Chizuk
    Divray Chizuk
    4 years ago

    I believe that we are missing a fundamental principle of Torah here, the Ko’ach haChachomim or Rabbonim which without this you are reform.
    Whether or not you agree with the pesak, its the Rabbonim who have SYATA DI’SHMAYA to know whats the correct thing to do and reveal the Rotzon Hashem.
    So in short if you follow Torah because its a nice tradition then you can make the rules but if you follow Torah as being from Hashem then the psak Ha’rabbonim is Rotzon Hashem.
    And its even more revealed now that you have a majority of Rabbonim who come to the same pesak

    4 years ago

    Have any of you listened to the Gedolim or read the Joint Statement? Some Torah Jew are you if you have not! It takes more to be frum than bad mouthing Obama and fawning over Trumpus.

    4 years ago

    With all due respect, by the time they closed the Shuls and yeshivas most people who have symptoms were already infected. On Purim, most people went to shul and had family seudos. No one told them otherwise. That’s when it spread. The doctorscandcrabbanimbclosed the barn door after the horses left.

    Jay Orchard
    Jay Orchard
    4 years ago

    “Please don’t be foolish or headstrong.” You’re right. But you don’t need to wait for gedolim to “agree” with the orders or advice of the medical experts. No gathering with non-family members means exactly that. No exception for gathering to daven or learn or to say t’hillim. You listen to the medical experts immediately while keeping a reasonable open mind to new information or considerations.

    4 years ago

    Looks like there’s a machla that’s taking away some peoples brains. When you kill a family member RL then you might get cured.

    4 years ago

    We voted for democRATs who made same gender marriage and now we suffer just as in Noachs flood.

    4 years ago

    You might have voted if you are old enough.
    We are not in a level to understand why people suffer or go.
    From the names of Big gedolim that were niftar, How can you say that they are suffering because of anything the government did with gays.

    4 years ago

    That the machla came b/c of the progressive agenda seems logically & instinctively correct. The Gemorrah is Shabbos says that the “Umois Haoilum” will be rewarded for 3 reasons; 1 of them being that even though men practiced “toy’eveh”, they never gave a Kesubeh (marriage) contract to another man. Well, that’s out the window. And is it coincidence that the progressives; who condone this behavior, are the most vocal pro Moslem (who stone adulterers [usually young girls who were raped] and throw gays off rooftops) anti-Semitic Obama lovers?

    4 years ago

    Anti vaxers are supporting to keep shul open and they also passed stupid advice over corona in robo calls in yiddish. Dont take advice from robo calls or whatsapp. Call your regular Dr. Consult cdc web and Who web. The rabonim that allow shul or mens mikva are a minimum. Remember you violate now and ladies mikva will be the next chalenge . Behave! And the elderlry will probably be jailed up till june

    da'as zekenim
    4 years ago

    When there is a fire – Da’as toirao is: run – Don’t even ask Rabbonim – they should run too

    Common Sense
    Common Sense
    4 years ago

    The nerve & lack of consideration for any frum yid to allow weddings. Beside the virus what are we telling the world?

    4 years ago
