JERUSALEM (VINnews) — 50 chosen Chasidim of the Gerer Rebbe were allowed to pray in a special outdoor minyan attended by the Rebbe for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus. The Chasidim strictly maintained social distancing and all the regulations of the Health Ministry.
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סרטון מדהים מהתפילה אצל האדמו"ר מגור היום – 50 חסידים עומדים כמו חיילים ושומרים על הנחיות המרחק
— עקיבא ווייס Akiva Weisz (@AkivaWeisz) May 17, 2020
At the same time the Belzer Rebbe chose to return to the main Shul after the restrictions against entering Shuls were relaxed by the government. The Rebbe prayed Maariv and said Sefiras Ha’Omer in the shul with a limited number of Chasidim.
The Erloi Rebbe also returned to his shul with a small group of Chasidim to say Sefiras Ha’Omer:
גם בערלוי חזרו לבית הכנסת במתכונת מצומצמת. בוידאו: הרבי בספירת העומר הערב
— משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) May 18, 2020
I hope the Rebbe got permission from the Modern Orthodox wing of the 5towns Rabbonim.
Hope the Belz Photo is a file picture not a current one.
No distancing no masks….
I foresee a movie release with the title The Chosen
The photos of outdoor minyan of Gerrer Rebbe, the Rebbe is surrounded by a gate and covered with a tent.
These barriers, according to some poskim, excludes him from the minyan. Which means, although his davenning is joined with the minyan, he cannot be one of the ten people composing the minyan.
Which means, although the Rebbe is davening with the chassidim, the chassidim are not davening with the Rebbe.
“the Belzer Rebbe chose to return to the main Shul after the restrictions against entering Shuls were relaxed by the government”. Nonsense the Government does not permit indoor minyanim. Period.