Chuck Schumer Is Now The Highest-Ranking Elected Jewish Official Ever. He Wants To Make More History.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 21: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to reporters during a brief press availability with new Democratic Senators at the U.S. Capitol on January 21, 2021 in Washington, DC. Schumer and the Senate Democrats now have a narrow majority in the Senate as they begin the 117th U.S. Congress. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

NEW YORK (JTA) – Chuck Schumer could not let the moment pass without mentioning its Jewish history.

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Georgia’s new senators, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, were sworn in on Wednesday, making Schumer the new Senate majority leader — the first-ever Jew in that powerful role.

Never afraid to reference his Yiddishkeit, Schumer recalled his roots in an address in the Senate chamber. And he got biblical, too.

“With the swearing in of these three senators, the Senate will turn to Democratic control … under the first New York-born majority leader in American history,” he said. “A kid from Brooklyn, the son of an exterminator and a housewife, a descendant of victims of the Holocaust.

“That I should be the leader of this new Senate majority is an awesome responsibility. Awesome in the biblical sense, as the angels that trembled in awe before God. Today I feel the full weight of that responsibility.”

In terms of strides for diversity, the headlining news of the day was Kamala Harris’ milestone moment becoming the first woman and first woman of color to serve as vice president. But Inauguration Day was also more quietly full of Jewish history. Schumer became the highest-ranking elected Jewish politician in American history. Ossoff was sworn in as Georgia’s first Jewish senator — on a historic Hebrew Bible and carrying records from his forebears’ arrival at Ellis Island. Doug Emhoff, Harris’ Jewish husband, became the country’s first “second gentleman.”

In his short speech, Schumer borrowed a line that President Joe Biden had used a few hours earlier to hail Harris’ glass ceiling-shattering milestone and applied it to Jews.

“As President Biden said in his inaugural address: ‘Don’t tell me things can’t change,’” he said.

The honeymoon likely won’t last long for Schumer, who helms the slimmest of majorities in the Senate — a 50-50 split of Democrats and Republicans that Harris can break with a tie-breaking vote — amid unprecedented polarization. Democrats were outraged by the deadly Capitol insurrection two weeks ago staged by right-wing extremists, some of them anti-Semitic and white supremacist, and they called for the immediate removal of then-President Donald Trump for instigating the horror. For Republicans, while the event forced a widespread reckoning for their party, over 140 lawmakers combined in the House and Senate continued to back Trump’s false claims that the election results were fraudulent.

Jon Ossoff with his wife, Dr. Alisha Kramer, at the presidential inauguration ceremony, Jan. 20, 2021. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

If he can effectively corral his Senate troops, Schumer will have a chance to leave an outsized mark on a range of issues that Biden has signaled he wants to tackle post-pandemic, from climate change to immigration to health care. Schumer, a longtime moderate, has shown signs that he has been emboldened by the Macchiavellian moves of his predecessor Mitch McConnell, who often departed from traditional protocols to ram through Congress everything from federal judicial appointees (and multiple Supreme Court justices) to high-stakes bills.

In his speech to the virtual Democratic National Convention in August, Schumer said that the Senate would “bring bold and dramatic change to our country” if Democrats won control of the chamber.

As for how he will make that happen, his former communications director Stu Loeser argued that unlike many senators, Schumer is savvy about forming small groups of like-minded Republican and Democratic lawmakers who can connect over noncontroversial issues.

“So say there’s a Republican senator from, you know, Pennsylvania, a Democratic senator from Wisconsin, and all of us have this same problem that we’re working on in New York. Say this is not the only place in the country that has this kind of former defense plant that needs a new use,” Loeser told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Schumer’s approach is “‘we’re going to build a coalition because we’ll find out the other ones, and we’re going to get these guys to work on us on a bipartisan basis.’

“He is acutely aware of what drives the senators. It’s not like you approach it from the idea of I’m going to get people across party lines, which is toxic now. But it’s I’m going to find [three to five] Republicans who actually have the same approach as the Democrats and get their support.”

Becoming majority leader is a possible climax to a career that many have called extremely ambitious, even by Washington standards. In a 1986 book, his sister, Fran Schumer, a journalist, wrote: ”Ever since he was 8, my older brother has wanted to recreate in the world his position in our family — president of the Schumers, favorite son of the United States.”

Chuck Schumer

Schumer as a House rep in 1990. (Maureen Keating/CQ Roll Call via Getty Images)

It was a lofty goal for the kid from Marine Park, a neighborhood deep in Brooklyn that in the 1950s and ’60s was crowded with Jewish, Italian, Puerto Rican and Caribbean immigrants. After graduating from James Madison High School, he attended Harvard as an undergraduate and law student in the late ’60s, where he felt out of place among its legions of WASPy and activist students. He dove right into politics without ever practicing law. He served in the New York State Assembly from 1974 to 1981, then in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing three different districts in Brooklyn and Queens through 1999, when he was elected to the Senate.

Throughout his career, Schumer has been a staunch ally of Jewish communities in his home state and of Israel. In 2015 he was tortured over the debate on the Iran nuclear deal, which pitted what he and many other Israel defenders saw as the Jewish state’s security interests against the Obama administration’s good intentions. Schumer eventually would be one of a select few Democrats who opposed the deal.

In a memorable moment on Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show,” the host mocked an MSNBC reporter for trying to pin down Schumer on the Iran deal while they chatted in a diner.

“You brought an old New York Jewish man to a diner?” Stewart said. “You realize what this means — you’re never going to end up talking about the Iran deal. You’re just going to end up talking about f***ing diners!”

That public image as a quintessential New York Jew has been fodder for his enemies and played into political rhetoric that some see as coded anti-Semitism.

But Schumer has never shied from his roots as a Jew or New Yorker. Politico marveled this week at how Schumer, in the midst of his ascension and still dealing with the fallout from the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, found time to appear at a Queens community board meeting and an Upper West Side Democratic club.

Loeser recalled how Schumer and his family, longtime members of Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn’s Park Slope, spent a Christmas Eve in the early 2000s at a restaurant in Chinatown. When a terrorism threat came up that night, Loeser tried to reach him, but his phone was off. So Loeser resorted to calling Chinese restaurants across Lower Manhattan, asking if the senator was there.

Loeser eventually found him, but only after hours of trouble. The problem: He and his family “looked like everyone else” to the restaurants.

“They kept saying to me that ‘no, there’s no U.S. senator here,’” Loeser said. “‘Just a Jewish family.’”

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3 years ago

Technically from the legal perspective the speaker of the house is more powerful and higher ranking than the Senate majority leader which is purely a political position.

Eric Cantor was speaker of the House so he was the highest-ranking Jew ever not to mention the numerous Jewish supreme Court justices and secretarys of state

Biden not my president, he’s a cheat.
Biden not my president, he’s a cheat.
3 years ago

Schmuky chucky is a radical leftist liberal scam. He has as much to do with Judaism as I have to do with Mongolian Music. Feh

I rekon
I rekon
3 years ago

he is only “The Highest-Ranking Elected Jewish Official Ever” to the goyish JTAYosef HaTzaddik was the highest ranking jew to ever work for a goy government.
but maybe they keep a separate count for reshaim?

Nasty Pelosi is a stain on our nation.
Nasty Pelosi is a stain on our nation.
3 years ago

Ossof is not a Jew

3 years ago

Since when is electing Marxist and/or globalist Jews to high positions a good thing??

Do you remember what Marxists did to Jews in Europe and the Soviet Union?? They jailed them and killed them.

Do you know what the globalist agenda is?? One of their goals for worldwide life by 2030 is “You will own nothing and be happy.” That is a direct quote from their video.

Another is to get rid of traditional “Western” values by 2030. That, too, is in their video. Those “Western” values are Torah-based values.

You should be crying and praying, not celebrating.

WAKE UP! The Democrat Party has CHANGED. It is not your father’s Democrat Party. It is now aligned with the Chinese Communist Party and with Klaus Schwab and his gang at the World Economic Forum (aka “Davos”).

Nasty Pelosi is a stain on our nation.
Nasty Pelosi is a stain on our nation.
3 years ago

JINO wants to ban religious freedom. Force everyine to support the democrats anti Torah agenda. Feh

3 years ago

The only resemblance he has to a Jew is that he likes a bagel, cream cheese and lox. Nothing more nothing less. He’s an absolute disgrace, and brings much hatred upon the Jewish people.

3 years ago

Todays secular/liberal Jews make a mockery of “Judaism”

Have you watched Kamala Harris with her “Jewish” Husband talk about the meaning of Chanukka? What a joke!!!

3 years ago


3 years ago

Charles Schumer is a despicable human. One need not be an observant Jew to be a decent person, but he is neither.
I would rather see a friendly gentile in Schumer’s position.
Schumer is a power hungry lifelong political hack subservient to the Democratic Party.
I do not like nor trust him.
During the riots of 2020 that fraud remained silent. For man who loves to see his face on camera, he was AWOL.
I for one am disgusted by the sight of him.

3 years ago

be better if he put on tephilin and said sh’ma…..

3 years ago