Hagaon R’ Shlomo Fisher Zts’l: An Appreciation


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — It was during the nineties, Yom Yerushalayim and the Kolel where we were studying for Semicha wished to mark the event. After all, Jerusalem and especially the Western Wall have not been in Jewish hands for 2000 years. We invited Rabbi Shlomo Fisher, a Dayan in the Jerusalem rabbinical court together with Rabbi Zalman Nehemia Goldberg and other luminaries, to give us a shiur.

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The rabbi appeared, wearing a large Yerushalmi hat and long rabbinical coat. He looked like anyone else in Meah Shearim, which is where he grew up. But then he started talking- about David, Shmuel, Yerushalayim shel Maala, Yerushalayim shel Mata – weaving through Gemaros, Midrashim, Rishonim and Acharonim almost effortlessly. I gave up taking notes after 4 pages and after I saw I could not keep up with the flow of beautiful ideas. The tour de force went on for nearly three hours and we were spellbound. It was like a spring bursting forth, there was no break as the Torah thoughts continued to stream on. When he stopped, stating that “this is enough for now,” it was clear that he had far more to say, that he could have continued for many more hours expounding the Midrashim.

After inquiring more about Rabbi Fisher, I discovered that he had written books on Halacha and Agada using the name Beis Yishai, an acronym for his full name. In the books, which received the Jerusalem Prize (2001) as well as the Rabbi Kook Prize (1988), one could gain a glimpse of his true genius and all-encompassing Torah knowledge. In subsequent shiurim I heard in his house the same image emerged – of a master of all aspects of Torah -both revealed and hidden – who was happy to share his innovative ideas with all audiences.

R’ Shlomo was an expert on Jewish philosophy and published an annotated edition of the Ohr Hashem by Rabbi Cisdai Krescas as well as participating in a new edition of the kabbalistic writings of the Gaon of Vilna. At the same time, he would teach classic shiurim on Ketzos and Rabbi Akiva Eiger and participated in editing the works of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserwan HyD -Kovetz Shemu’os and Kovetz Be’urim.

Rav Shlomo was comfortable with all types of communities and revered Talmidei Chachamim from all backgrounds.  Born in the Perushim community of Jerusalem in 5692 (1932), Rabbi Fisher studied in Mir under Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel and served as a member and then as the head of the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court. At the same time his brother, Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Fisher, served as a head of the Eda Chareidis Beis Din. Later, Rabbi Mordechai Eliphant brought him to Itri where he served as Rosh Yeshiva for the last 20 years, living in the yeshiva during the week and only returning home on Shabbos.

However Rabbi Fisher was equally at home in the religious Zionist Torah community, giving shiurim in Merkaz Harav, Shaalvim and other yeshivos and, as stated, even celebrating Yom Yerushalayim in his own inimicable way – teaching Torah ideas about Jerusalem. His students include Rabbi Refael Shmuelevitz and Rabbi Shlomo Zaafrani as well as Rav Shagar and Prof. David Hanshke from the religious Zionist community.

Rabbi Fisher was a father figure for his disciples and a former Itri student said that “even after their weddings, the students stayed in touch and he would come to give shiurim to alumni in Bnei Brak and loved all those who studied Torah.”

Rabbi Fisher passed away in his 90th year on 15 Kislev 5782. May his memory be blessed and may his merit protect all of us.



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2 years ago

it is people like him who will bring Moshiach not the exclusive I am better than you types.

Simcha K
Simcha K
2 years ago

Klal Yisroel just lost a giant!!