Israeli Health Ministry Aims To Change Problematic Dietary Habits In Chareidi Community


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In an apparent attempt to garner support for a new tax on sweetened beverages which goes into effect January 1st, the Israeli health ministry published disturbing statistics about sugar consumption in the chareidi community. The study also focused on the incidence of diabetes within the community. The ministry’s dieticians claim that high sugar consumption is causing significant damage in the chareidi community as opposed to the general public.

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The data revealed that 78% of chareidi households purchase sweet pastries as opposed to 60% of the general public. 89% of the chareidim purchase sweet snacks as opposed to 74% in the general public. 79% of the chareidi public purchase sweetened beverages as opposed to 51% of the general public.

A survey by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) revealed that the average chareidi family spends 90 NIS on sweet beverages as opposed to 65 NIS by a comparable secular family. Moreover the chareidi community suffers from significantly higher levels of diabetic incidence than the general public.

The largest gap was evident in the 25-34-yr-old category. Chareidim in this age group have a 15 times higher risk of diabetes than comparative non-chareidim. The health ministry is currently planning to enlist influential members of the chareidi community who will collaborate with the ministry’s experts in attempting to change social norms which are causing serious health issues within the community.


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2 years ago

Plus , they typically don’t exercise nearly as much as they should

ah yid
ah yid
2 years ago

Dieting and watching what you eat is not easy, but I hope people will wake up to this problem. I have a parent and child with diabetes. It’s not a disease that you can take lightly. The worst thing is that this disease is often preventable if you watch what you eat. In addition bad eating habits cause a myriad of other health issues none of which can be shrugged off. The Torah says ורפא ירפא but it is probably a bigger mitzva not to have to go to the doctor for an insulin prescription in the first place.

I was a Democrat until I saw the light
I was a Democrat until I saw the light
2 years ago

What about taxing ice cream or cake both heaven in sugar. Nope that would hit the liberal and socialists in Isreal. Can’t do that

Noble Member
2 years ago

Sweets in and of themselves are not always the problem. Chemical sugars create a load on the body to rid itself of these toxins, and the energy needed to do this causes additional appetite since more calories are needed to do this.

Additionally, calories from food generally need to have minerals and other nutrients within them, else they deplete the body’s resources rather than adding to them.

It’s not well known in these times, but almost all of the essential nutrients are catalyzed on the surfaces of plants as they grow – where the sun shines on them.

Relating to this, Rambam states that people should never indulge in soless – which is ‘fine flour’ where the minerals have been polished off the surface.

Similarly with other grains and produce (that by the way, should be grown without chemical pesticides, as these are also an additional load for the body to isolate and rid itself of – most are neurotoxins – none of which were around or used before a 100 years or so ago, let alone at the time of the Rambam).

2 years ago

Simple solution. Implement North Koreas 11 day laughter ban after adapting it to junk food and ban all Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Problem solved.

2 years ago

And don’t get us started on the lack of fresh vegetables in many farfrumte, farkrumte diets. Yes, checking for bugs is difficult so many simply do without. And miss lots of necessary vitamins contained therein.

Not Surprised
Not Surprised
2 years ago

I want my potato kugel!

2 years ago

The Israeli lefty government must have found out that learning Torah and practicing Mitzvos is sweet too. It’s no wonder they’re trying to ban that as well. All brought to you by the government that cares so much about us.

Yankel der ganif
Yankel der ganif
2 years ago

A healthier lifestyle is a good thing, but who decides what exactly is a healthy lifestyle?

Dr. Shmoe
Dr. Shmoe
2 years ago

This can all be true, but the data seems a little skewed. Charedi households have more kids on average, so naturally more kids equals more snacks and sweets.

I was a Democrat until I saw the light
I was a Democrat until I saw the light
2 years ago

Sooo secular Israelis don’t drink coke or sweetened soda only tummies. This is not about health but about taxes to add to the treasury

Solomon Piller
Solomon Piller
2 years ago

Lol…now they care about Charedim!!! Even Paaroh didn’t try that one.