WATCH: Rockville Center Resident Decries Local Shuls, Warns That Village “Can Be Next” After Five Towns


ROCKVILLE CENTER (VINnews) — At a recent town meeting in Rockville Center, a village right near the Five Towns, a local resident gets up and asks the board to amend the local laws to prevent Jews from opening Shuls in houses.

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The woman describes how she grew up in the Five Towns, and laments how Jews moved in and opened Shuls. She describes in dark tones how the local real estate market jumped as a result, causing many of the non-Jewish residents to grab the opportunity to sell, eventually causing the neighborhood demographics to change.

Finally, she gravely warns the board how like the Five Towns, Rockville Center “can be next.”

Shudders can practically be felt throughout the room as she speaks.

When she finishes, the board says that they have received similar complaints, and will immediately look into what can be done.

Watch the full speech below.

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2 years ago

Please I daven that instead of Jewish moving in, they have Arabs Muslim, blacks and illegal immigrant move in to their neighborhood. Bring up the “value of their neighborhood housing to rise” oh wait…that’s racist

get it straight
get it straight
2 years ago

there’s a rule in America its called FREE COUNTRY. there’s nothing wrong with buying houses and making shuls. let move on

Ah yid
Ah yid
2 years ago

Let’s not forget that we are only visitor’s and our true future is on the holy soil of Eretz Yisroel.

2 years ago

She is right it will happen

2 years ago

Hope they do that. that will be the best thing for the Jewish people. Lawsuits will follow Rockville will pay at the end for all the shuls plus some.

A c
A c
2 years ago

Makes me want to move there. In a strange way thumbing my at an antisemits sounds like fun

2 years ago

Not understanding. It’s okay for her family to move from the 5 Towns to the Village, but it’s not okay for Religious Jews to do the same just because they have a different culture??
This smells a little anti-Semitic and is not allowed in the United States. I guess she didn’t do her research on the lawsuits she snidely mentioned. It won’t take too long for her and her cronies to learn about the law at their expense.

2 years ago

A person could have two completely opposite outlooks on it. On one hand the price of her property will go up and her neighborhood will be statistically safer.

I always try to put myself in the other person’s shoes and imagine how she feels. Imagine yourself if Muslims (I pick them, as the closest religion as far as frequent scheduled prayers) would open a mosque on every single residential block in your neighborhood drawing large numbers of daily congregants gorever removing the serenity and character that residential neighborhood once had.

We just read in Torah that the Kohein was the one who had to inspect the afflicted with Tzaraas, no matter how learned the person was about his disease. The Mishna explains the reason:

כל הנגעים אדם רואה – חוץ מנגעי עצמו; ר’ מאיר אומר: אף לא נגעי קרוביו.

2 years ago

This is nothing new. Unfortunately, this has been going on and will continue to go on every time and everywhere the frum Jewish community expands to new territory. Welcome to the world. That being said, certain attitudes and behaviors of the NY/NJ area “frummies”, warrants the pushback (and even disgust) from many of the current residents. And rightfully so. There is unfortunately no shortage of chillul Hashem. Being and acting like a mentch, and being friendly and respectful to those that were there before you in the way of life that was prevalent in that community way before you arrived, would go a long way. Just saying.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aguttenshabbos
Rabbi Kolakowski
Rabbi Kolakowski
2 years ago

The bigger problem is when Baalei batim make illegal minyan in their house and destroy the town shul like we have in our small town. Our chashuver Rov has been here keeping Yiddishkeit alive in our town for 50 years Kein ayin hara and lazy Baalei batim have destroyed our shul because they are too lazy to walk.

2 years ago

Guess I’m the lone dissenter here.
we’ve become too comfortable here and have forgotten that we are guests here and should be grateful, behave with a modicum of respect
instead, we are in their face.
let the bashing begin!

Like it needs to be said!
Like it needs to be said!
2 years ago

So let me get something straight, she doesn’t want houses increasing in price so that people can make money should they decide to sell? She wants them to live in the same $20,000 house that they bought 30 years ago, where it hasn’t increased in price?

Does she not realize that Rockville Center will lose in court if they try any shenanigans. It’s been proven over and over and over. They will lose! They will lose big! The federal courts do not stand for this.

Besides for the lady being an anti-semite clearly, she’s also nuts.

2 years ago

Feh! This is 100% an anti-Semitic rant! I love how she says “this is nothing about religion”

2 years ago

Rockville Centre is sort of old school fancy. Perfect lawns, stately houses but not mansions. Very Americana except with huge cathedrals because the bishop or some high ranking Catholic governs from there.

I get why they don’t want shtieblech but neighborhoods often change. Strange though because I don’t think Rockville Center has an eiruv or an Orthodox shul except maybe the chabad that put up the menorah.

As for the case of the Bagelry, the VAAD probably told the owner he couldn’t have a hechsher if he was open on Shabbos. Not that they were compelling him to close his business.

She talks about the transformation of the 5 Towns as if the KKK moved in.

Common sense
Common sense
2 years ago

To counter this type of antisemitism I would suggested holding a menorah parade in Rockville center.
We must make clear that no one has a legal right to stop Orthodox Jews from moving into a community and exercising their legal rights to practice their religion as they see fit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Common sense
2 years ago

The basic air of superiority and unfriendliness toward anyone not ‘frum’ not to mention absolute disdain for gov’t safety & housing regs is why they hate us. Its not antisemitism like by the far right.

2 years ago

My coworker claims that telling our 3-year-olds, not to look at a Tomei Goy and not at a cat, is worse. Or teaching our children that when there is no Kiddush Hshem, we shouldn’t return their Aveido, or To’os Akum,
He doesn’t like the phrase Am Hadomeh Lachamor or Atem Kruyum Odom.
Are we worse than this lady?

2 years ago

I just realized all my posts get deleted

Mushroom meshulam
Mushroom meshulam
2 years ago

Jews were very powerful in Germany too.

Fearer of Hashem
Fearer of Hashem
2 years ago

In the guise of this women’s blantat anti-semitism, she brings up two points that may be worth at least some internal debate and discussion.

  1. Tax exempt status of homes used as shuls- this isn’t an insignificant item. Would those involved- as a good will gesture- refuse to take that deduction?
  2. Why do we have to have such density of shuls? We should be able to create economies of scale for ourselves.
  3. Someone go to Home Depot and replace the 8 foot menorah with the 5 foot menorah.
2 years ago

Seems U-Tube removed the content.

Archy's Brother
Archy's Brother
2 years ago

I see from the internet that Michelle Zangari is an interior designer. Could it be that she found the design of the menorah not to her liking?
Would she be upset if I spoke at the next Rockville Centre meeting saying that I don’t want anymore Catholics or Italian Americans moving in and that I find the blow up Santas, Pumpkins and Easter bunnies offensive?

2 years ago

She claims that once shuls open and people sell to frum Jews, then the school boards eventually get taken over and public schools go down the drain.

Presumably, the reason for the public schools allegedly going down-hill is that the demographics using those public schools will have changed.

Her claim about asking them to prevent shuls from being established in houses seems like it will go ahead against federal laws protecting religious use.

2 years ago

Just look to what happened to Lakewood, I understand her. She wants a quiet vintage feeling shtetel, not a Oak in Vine!

2 years ago

Where are the ” we’re in golus ” commenters ??

2 years ago

Idiot … take the money and go

2 years ago

I suppose if people with different skin color had moved to the Five Towns and the price of real estate would have dropped dramatically as well as the crime rate shooting up dramatically, would have made her far happier.

For one, she wouldn’t have been able to move to Rockville Center because the real estate price between the two locations would have rendered her stuck in the Five Towns, between the price drop in the 5T vs the increase in price at RC.

2 years ago

ziggy,you’re what we call a “self hating jew”.

2 years ago

America is a huge country. Why go where your not wanted?
Sure you can flex your “Rights” and “Show” an Antisemite who’s boss. But do you want your children getting called names when they walk to Shul? Do you want your kids having garbage thrown at them when they walk to Shul? Do you want your kid finding Antisemitic graffiti on the Shul or school? Do you want something possibly worse?
B”H I was brought up by parents and a community that understood the children feeling secure is the most important thing.
B”H I grew up with virtually no Antisemitism.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

Seems like valid concerns. Imagine if Blacks moved into your quiet monsey neighborhood

Call it what it is
Call it what it is
2 years ago

Yeah, it’s that  # #& menorah they put up showing people it’s a synagogue.

How would anyone ask a business to close on Shabbos if they’re not kosher certified AND Jewish owned? I call hypocrisy on that one. There’s no way she’s telling the truth. And if she is telling any part of the truth, definitely is not the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth.

I am hoping major Jewish organizations immediately send those on the board as well as the mayor and note saying that if they want to try anything, they will lose just like everyone else did. She made a claim that the cases have gone up to the Supreme Court, well yeah, what happened when they went up to the Supreme Court? I believe every case went against the township.

Maybe a rep of AIOA should go speak there and issue a rebuttal against her entire hypocrisy.

Just remember, comes down to those damn menorahs.

2 years ago

Yes, it is illegal to open schools and other high-traffic establishments in homes. Such activities disturb the neighbors. We all want, and want to be, good neighbors. .

Now explain to me what is bad about property prices going up.

Last edited 2 years ago by PaulinSaudi
Real estate
Real estate
2 years ago

The real estate market is the problem. Greedy people trying to get rich off of Jews by inflating the prices of the houses they are selling. If anyone is complaining, it should be house seekers, both Jewish and not, who would have to pay higher prices for houses. A better solution would be to limit the cost of houses.

marc aron
marc aron
2 years ago

She was somewhat delusional until the end. Then she was just anti-semitic. This is the future of this country. Replace Jew with any other religon and she would be on the front cover of The Times. Law suits are very expensive as the Town is shortly going to find out.

2 years ago

Had real estate prices dropped, she would have blamed it on the Jews moving into the Five Towns. Now that real estate prices have gone up affording her to sell at very handsome profit and allowing her to buy property in RC, most likely, without needing a mortgage as well as leaving her with extra money for a rainy day, YET SHE NOW ALSO BLAMES THE JEWS.

This anti-Jew CHOLERA should take a LONG WALK on a SHORT BRIDGE !!!

2 years ago

Obey the zoning laws but don’t apologize for having religious practices and schedules that differ from those of the goyim.

Mark Horowitz
Mark Horowitz
2 years ago

I disagree – you don’t “sound crazy at all.: you sound like a venomous antisemite, and we have heard from your likes before.

2 years ago

remember – every. single. one. of these anti semites are conservative republicans. THIS IS what you vote for. There are no “librul” democrats complaining about shuls

2 years ago


2 years ago

In toms river and Lakewood and even brooklyn many frum rent to illegals who then ruin the local public schools that frum don’t attend with their anchor kids who don’t speak English loud music and lack of basic decency

2 years ago

She has legitimate concerns. I don’t see anything wrong with a single thing see said.