ISRAEL (VINnews) — A 50-year-old Arab man was arrested this morning in Yerushalayim’s Givat Shaul neighborhood after a lady who was walking in the street heard screaming and saw a suspicious person trying to grab a 9-year-old cheder boy.
After the suspect noticed the lady he fled the scene. Police of Jerusalem’s Moriah station right away took action to find the suspect and found him close to where the scene had taken place. The suspect, a 50-year-old man from Abu Gosh was found using a wheelchair.
The man will be brought before Jerusalem’s High Court later today in order to extend his remand, following his arrest and questioning which took place this morning at the Moriah police station.
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so there is a chance this potential murderer or molestor will be freed by the Zionist kangaroo court?
He will be let out on humanitarian issue especially while faking being disabled