ISRAEL (VINnews) — After 268 days of not knowing the outcome of her son’s mysterious disappearance, Gitty Kleinerman reached out today and requested from the public that they use the holy days of Chanukah to daven for her son’s quick and healthy return.
While the police continue the intense search for him, the family begs Klal Yisroel to use these auspicious days and daven for the quick return of Moishy by reciting a perek of Tehillim every night after candle lighting and his name Avraham Moshe Ben Shmuel and Gittel
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May we hear GOOD news, IMMEDIATELY !!!
i hope everybody does what she asks. This boy was abused by someone his family trusted, then was a victim of Arab Muslim terrorism and now is missing with the corrupt incompetent mishtara treating this case with no seriousness