Ben Shapiro Mocks Democrat Who Staged ‘Thirst Strike’…for 8 Whole Hours!


(VINnews) — Ben Shapiro and other orthodox Jews, as well as non-Jews, poked fun at a Democrat Congressman who staged a “thirst strike”, which happened to coincide with the week of Tisha B’Av.

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Rep. Greg Casar, D-Austin, launched the strike in front of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., pushing for a federal workplace standard that would mandate water breaks for people whose jobs require them to work in the heat.

Ironically, the strike took place right before Tisha B’av, when Jews around the world were fasting for 25 hours. Casar’s strike lasted about 8-9 hours.

Ben Shapiro tweeted sarcastically: “Whoa, dude, heroic stuff. Unprecedented. All observant Jews are abstaining from both food and water for 25 hours today on Tisha B’Av.”

He added, “*Congressman holds breath for 18 seconds**”Guys, I just solved climate change!”

Reporter Kassy Dillon, who recently converted to Judaism, tweeted: “Oh how I wish I was only fasting for 9 hours today…”

She also tweeted, “Doesn’t everyone do this every single night while sleeping?”

“It’s challenging and it’s hot, but it’s not as hot as it is in Texas,” Casar said as he kicked off the event.

Many protesters held up posters that read: “Working shouldn’t be a death sentence,” “Water breaks = basic rights” and “People over profit.”



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Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
9 months ago

Guy stopped after 8 hrs when he was told Tisha B’av was the next day so he was fasting on the wrong day. The brave brave hero even had an oxygen monitor on and people to wipe of his sweat and cool him down with wet clothes, what a brave brave hero.

Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
9 months ago

Plenty of people literally do this everyday, if they eat breakfast and skip lunch and don’t drink during the day.

ah yid
ah yid
9 months ago

Water break ?? What happened to water bottles?

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
9 months ago

Not sure who is more pathetic:
Rep. Greg Casar or the fools clapping for him.

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
9 months ago

I don’t know about you guys, but I didn’t spend eight hours of Tisha B’Av working outside in the heat.

Just asking
Just asking
9 months ago

Let’s see all these mockery doing 8 hours under the sun, on a hot day.

He wanted to bring awareness to workers in extreme heat, they should get mandatory heat breaks.

Mock as much as you want, but state the facts.

Prolonged high heat exposure can be very unhealthy for workers, especially middle age people.

I understand that mandatory breaks reduce efficiency, I get both sides of the argument. But I fail to see what there is mock on such a serious topic.

I’m sure that if Ben Shapiro wouldn’t of sitting in his AC office all day, but stood in 90+ degree weather all day, he would understood that this is no laughing matter.

Are you serious
Are you serious
9 months ago

On every heavy construction site that I’ve worked on there was always water available
And frequently we’d stop for water.
No company wants to see their employees get sick In nyc if on a roof and temps reach 100 on city jobs site safety shuts it down

9 months ago

Maybe Benny should be mocking all the republicans defending Trump for his attempted and failed Putsch on Jan 6.

D. B. Cooper
D. B. Cooper
9 months ago

Shapiro’s tweet was childish and not worthy of a serious person. I don’t understand how people are so in awe of him.

9 months ago

Why are we making fun here?
So silly of Ben Shapiro to bring his religion into this.

ah yid
ah yid
9 months ago

D. B. Cooper ….. I don’t understand how people are so in awe of him.
Because he talks common sense. By the way are you a Biden supporter?

Thoughtful Response
Thoughtful Response
9 months ago

I’ve worked the construction industry most of my life. Water is never withheld and is often provided by the company. No boss ever tells an employee that getting water isn’t tolerated.

This isn’t about water or safety. It’s about mandating breaks and, more importantly, it’s about control. The left will not be happy until the government runs all commerce.

This has been tried and it worked out great every time. Just look at the thriving economies of the USSR, GDR, North Korea, Cuba and much of South America. (China isn’t an example because they have moved towards a capitalist economy despite maintaining all the other “benefits” of socialism.)

Florida Oma
Florida Oma
8 months ago

Samuel Tayler Colleridge wrote ”The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ “Water, Water, everywhere but not a drop to drink.” I guess he was an early Democrat?