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    NEW JERSEY(VINnews/Joe Weisberg) The International Conference of Chabad Shluchim unfolded on a significant Sunday at the Convention in Edison, NJ, drawing thousands of emissaries from across the globe, along with devoted supporters, distinguished dignitaries, and esteemed guests. The event commenced with a poignant rendition of El Malei Rachamim, resonating deeply in remembrance of the hundreds of recent victims of Arab terror in Israel.

    The proceedings were then opened by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries and Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’lnyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. He began by welcoming not only the 6,500 strong present in the room but also those joining remotely from Israel. Many of the Chabad rabbis in the Holy Land were joining from a concurrent banquet taking place in Jerusalem, attended by 1,400 Shluchim who had remained at their posts, assisting their communities and those on the front lines in every way.

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    A heartfelt theme threaded through the night, focusing on honoring the courageous Jews of Israel, with special emphasis on the hundreds of Shluchim strategically positioned throughout the nation, including those on the front lines both literally and figuratively. Particularly touching was the presentation by Rabbi Pizem of Chabad of Sderot, one of the cities most affected by the recent wave of terror. Rabbi Pizem vividly depicted life in a city repeatedly targeted by hundreds of Hamas missiles, underscoring, “I am only here because I am on a mission from the Rebbe.” His 12-year-old son, donned in a helmet, boldly declared, “I don’t need this here, among the Rebbe’s emissaries, I feel truly safe.”


    The large screens adorned with images of Shluchim in frontline cities, including Chevron, many in their IDF Reserve uniforms, portrayed a powerful commitment to their mission. These emissaries expressed unwavering dedication to their work on behalf of Am Yisrael, conveying a sense of pride and privilege.


    Rabbi Krinsky, echoing the spirit of Jewish unity, marveled at the unprecedented achdus (unity) prevailing among Klal Yisrael. A poignant moment came when a young Jewish student from Columbia University took the stage, recounting his grandfather’s Holocaust stories and expressing disbelief that such hatred could manifest on his college campus. He concluded with a powerful message, drawing parallels between the brave IDF soldiers in Israel and the courageous Shluchim in the USA, fighting and protecting their communities.


    As the conference drew to a close, emotions soared with a rendition of Ani Maamin, as Jews stood arm-in-arm, swaying to the timeless words, embodying steely determination, faith, and optimism. The atmosphere transitioned into ecstatic dancing and singing, accompanied by a lively full-piece band.


    Reflecting on the event, Rabbi Yisroel Sirota of Montreal, originally from Russia, shared, “This was an unaffiliated Russian Jew for whom I recently arranged a bris mila. I encourage everyone to engage in more mitzvahs and good deeds such as charity and spreading kindness.”


    Rabbi Feivish Vogel of London had a message for everyone, stating, “YOU can change the world by just taking on one good deed.”


    Discussing the new awakening and sense of achdus since the October tragedy, Rabbi Laibel Ezagui of Palm Beach, Florida, observed, “People are lining up to put on tefillin, showing up to shul like never before. Now is not the time to mourn but rather a time to be proud. Post a picture of putting on tefillin, how much you’ve given to tzedaka. Throughout history, when Yidden are proud, antisemites run away like roaches.”


    From Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Rabbi Arik Rabinowitz, a Jerusalem native, conveyed, “We are all connected and all the same as one people. Many people have come to my shul for the very first time to do something Jewish, like light a candle and put on tefillin.”


    Rabbi Aron Aizenman, catering to several hundred Israeli-American families in Myrtle Beach, SC, reflected on the high levels of alert and anxiety but voiced optimism, saying, “There is a great awakening for Yiddishkeit, and the opportunities and resultant reward are great.”


    Reb Eliyahu Rothschild, a supporter from Monsey, NY, along with his brother, raised the money to build a mikveh in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Recounting the unexpected turn of events, he shared, “I was planning to go on vacation to Aruba, but it didn’t work out, and somehow I ended up there. When I arrived in Puerto Vallarta, I was made aware by the local shliach, Rabbi Shneur Hecht, that there was a need for a mikveh. The brothers went to work and raised the necessary funds; the mikveh is slated to be opened next month, and they plan on attending.”


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    Where's Moshiach?
    Where's Moshiach?
    1 year ago

    With so many shluchim of their late Rebbeh out there, why hasn’t Moshiach come yet?

    1 year ago

    G-d Bless Chabad!! G-d Bless all these amazing Shluchim & all of their incredible work.