LISTEN: Rav Asher Weiss Discusses Yeshiva Boys Davening for IDF Soldiers


PASSAIC (VINnews) — Rav Asher Weiss shlit”a, one of the Gedolei Eretz Yisrael, spoke in Passaic on Monday. One fundamental and timely topic he addressed was Charedi yeshivos and others in the yeshiva community davening for soldiers. The Rav, not surprisingly, was extremely in favor, and seemed to feel that it’s not even a question, as it is a basic expression of Ahavas Yisrael.

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In regards to the fact that Rabbi Weiss’ own Kollel prays for the names of soldiers, he was asked about certain Roshei Yeshiva who are worried that bochurim will think they are “glorifying” Israeli soldiers and be motivated the joni the army.

Rabbi Weiss was steadfast and firmly against that mindset, and completely dismissed it.

He said, “That is a very sad state of affairs, if we are afraid that if boys daven for soldiers, they may join the army.”

He continued, “{If that is the case], the Roshei Yeshiva should go home and pass mantel to others. I totally disagree [with it].

Rabbi Weiss went further. “Rav Chaim Shmulevitz and Rav Chatzkel Levenstein were yeshivishe guys…I was very close with Rav Shach. Officers used to come on a steady basis to visit Ponevezh, Rav Shach used to always invite them to his office. Every time, he said ‘We have hakaras hatov, you are safeguarding the country and we are learning Torah in your merit.

When asked about another concern of believing the army is all-powerful, he replied, “We are not glorifying “kochi v’otzem yadi” – the army today is not [about that]. It’s davening and caring for yiddishe kindelach.

“Even the soldiers who are not frum, so many [soldiers] are real Bnei Torah, but even the others, they are all Yidden, we are supposed to love every Jew.”

“I think this reflects such a lack of self confidence…We are davening for yiddishe kinder who are dying every day. These are not our brothers?”

The Rav also addressed a possible concern that people are diverting financial support away from Yeshivas to support other causes.



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4 months ago

The Bnei Gud Ubnei Reuven should have offered to Daven for Klal Yisroel fighting in Eretz Yisroel, then they could have remained in the Midbar.
Or they should have undertaken to learn with Hasmodoh the brand new Torah that we just got in the Midbar.

Two cents
Two cents
4 months ago

Wow beautiful it’s so good to see there are rabbis who understand that davening and learning for our Jewish soldiers doesn’t make you a zionist it’s the right thing to do and it’s an obligation upon all of us to daven for our brothers who are fighting in the army