IDF To Extend Regular And Reserve Service, Sparking Calls For Charedi Shouldering Of Burden


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The IDF announced Wednesday that it plans to extend the regular army service to 36 months, as well as increasing reserved duty until the age of 46 and added many days a year of active reserve service.

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The announcement, made as part of a new framework for the draft law, aroused opposition both from government and opposition parties who want the draft law to include charedi participation in the IDF, thus lessening the burden on other sectors.

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, who is also a minister in the Defense establishment, addressed the charedi public and said: “Dear beloved community which contributes so much to the state of Israel, it is now imperative that you participate more in defense and security assignments. This move must happen via communication and discussion and not by coercion, The Religious Zionist sector proves that Torah study and keeping all Mitzvos can be integrated with military service at the front. My charedi brothers, we need you!”

Likud MKs, including Minister Amichai Shikli and Moshe Saada, also stressed that “What was before cannot continue” and there is a need for a more equal distribution of the burden.

Others said that the coalition must remove the current draft law from its agenda, since there is a need for a revision and bringing as many citizens as possible to serve in the IDF.

Other parties from the opposition also stressed the need for a fairer distribution of the burden. MK Chili Tropper (National Unity party) wrote on Facebook that “In the wake of the intent to place further burdens on those serving in the IDF, the truth must be said- The fallen are not from all sectors, some sectors have for many years removed themselves from this partnership. Many in the charedi public volunteer, study, pray for the fallen, visit the injured and this is worthy, but they do not participate in the service.”

MK Yair Lapid attacked the proposed “draft-dodge law” calling it a “betrayal of IDF soldiers, another proof that the coalition hasn’t learnt anything from October 7th. Its not that we fight and win together. It’s young people serving the country and endangering their lives while others organize their exemption.”

MK Avigdor Liberman called on Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot to leave the government if the proposed law is passed in its current form. “I call on them not to assist in dividing the nation into two parts- those who serve in the army and those who study in yeshivot.”


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fearer of hashem
fearer of hashem
7 months ago

Charedim best understand that as opposed in the past, where they could rely on the religious zionists for political cover, that day is over. Some sort of engagement will have to be established.

E Archy
E Archy
7 months ago

A more effective approach would be to just strengthen and expand all the charedi groups that support the IDF. We are talking about Zakai, United Hatzollah etc. Many put their lives at danger and enter war zones too. I get it that it feels not equal but its the smartest way. It takes the yoke off of the iDF. Imgaine if they needed to provide resources for burail of the dead and mecdical treatment of sick sooilders. Why not take that strain off the IDF’s head and outsource that the charedim? It makes it appear as if its charedi even if behind the scenes the IDF coordinates so it will be accepted more and be more senstive. if we learned anything form Oct 7, its that ,many charedim rose up to the challenge too. We are all united and lets not lose that. Once you start forcing things you won’t get it. be practical.

7 months ago

The erev rav attacks again! There is freedom of religion in the holy land instead forced autopsies and forced conscription into the shmad army. Wake up and stop sending your checks to Israel unless you are sending them to yeshivas

7 months ago

“Likud MKs, including Minister Amichai Shikli and Moshe Saada, also stressed that “What was before cannot continue” and there is a need for a more equal distribution of the burden.” He’s right that the Zionist “State” cannot continue for much longer, as the Chazon Ish famously predicted its demise. The more the Zionists fight Torah, the sooner their “State” will disappear. Regardless, the Zionists made a deal to exempt the Torah learners in return for Agudah not publicly protesting to the UN that the then-proposed Zionist imposter “State” is not Jewish but rather Zionist and anti-Jewish; so, the Zionists need to honor that deal.

7 months ago

Not going to happen. We need the Yeshivos as is and unhanged. That’s part of the protection of Klal Yisroel. These people have to stop thinking it’s all about them and their guns. We need to include Hashem in picture of any military success.