Chuck Schumer Posts Picture of Himself Grilling Cheeseburger…Deletes After Backlash


NEW YORK (VINnews) — Senator Chuck Schumer has posted a picture of himself transgressing a basic Torah law–the prohibition of milk and meat. After Schumer was slammed on Twitter, he apparently deleted the Tweet.

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This is the latest of many displays by Schumer (who does not claim to be religious) that make it clear that he has no connection nor concern about his Jewish heritage, and is not embarrassed to publicize his indifference to his religion (until he’s called out by critics).

In an apparent celebration of Father’s Day, Schumer posted a picture of himself grilling meat and cheese.

He posted: “Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! Father’s Day Heaven!”

In response, Rabbi Elchanan Poupko posted: “I love you Chuck, but the cheese in the burger was just not necessary. It’s pretty basic Jewish practice to avoid mixing meat and dairy.”

Apparently realizing his “mistake”, Schumer then proceeded to delete the tweet.

In addition to the photo of cooking the cheeseburger, Schumer also posted about his daughter and “her wife”.

In recent months, Schumer, the highest ranking Democrat in Congress, who comes from Brooklyn and claims to have strong ties to his heritage, has been mostly shunned by the Jewish community, after he abandoned Israel for his own political purposes. Virtually the entire Democrat party has turned a cold shoulder to Israel and the Jews since October 7, other than a handful of holdouts, such as Senator John Fetterman and Congressman Ritchie Torres, who have resisted enormous pressure from within their party.


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9 days ago

The only question I have is – why does R Elchanan Poupko love Chuck Schumer?

9 days ago

His daughter & her wife?!!! Goes along with the cheeseburger!

9 days ago

And what about the following “ my daughter and her wife” what a shameless peace of garbage he and his family are, it’s an honor for the Jewish people that he self hates , no body wants him in our community

9 days ago

Schumer: shomer of tumah and the lowest depravity; shomer of terrorists; shomer of anti Semites; shomer of self serving political aggrandizement at the expense of Israel and the Jewish people. Yesh Din v’yesh Dayan. Eventually the party will be over, Chuckie, and you will have to face the consequence of your choices and priorities

9 days ago

Always a fool!
He never disappoints!

9 days ago

And to shumer harasha enjoy all the treif, honor money and tumah you can when you are still in a body in this world . Because when it’s time to be accountable for all the Karet and all the fights against the Torah NO ONE will come to help you facing your eternal geinam ! I don’t love you chuck ! I hate you chuck like all the reshayims that oppose the Torah and promote anti Torah behaviors and conducts. Shem reshayims yirkav

9 days ago

So everyone focuses on the Cheeseburger, and lets the married תועבה , daughter go on by matter of fact…


Needs to be said
Needs to be said
8 days ago

Why do people get all bent out of shape when this piece of utter trash does something that’s omg against the Torah. His entire life is against the Torah! Wherever the Torah says THOU SHALT NOT, he says THOU SHALT. He is a leftist Democrat. The Democrats don’t believe in Torah, the Democrats believe in Leftism. That is their religion. He is what’s known as a leftist Jew, a Jew who is leftist in religion and only slightly Jewish, maybe.

You’re going to get upset at this piece of human debris who supports extra rights for the alphabet faygala people, so many of them are brain dead to begin with?

It’s nothing to get upset at, it’s something that’s very very sad and if we want to call him out on things, we should call him out and when he makes a claim that he’s a shomer Yisroel, which we know is a load of horse poop.

Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
8 days ago

That is not why he deleted it, he deleted it because he looks like a moron and tweeter made fun of him pretending to grill, there’s no fire on, and the chees goes on after the burger are grilled not while still raw.

Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
8 days ago

That face is as nauseating as the cheeseberger.happy to hearcthat his daughter is married to a this there won’t be a זכר of that chazir

9 days ago

When is the last time he ate kosher?

8 days ago

The cheese burger will be be his least transgression he’s going to answer for

8 days ago

shomer Yishmuel

8 days ago

I hate to tell you this, but he didn’t delete it because of the prohibition. You can go to other news sources and see that he deleted it because that’s not the proper way to cook a treif cheeseburger and he looked like a fool.

9 days ago

I forgot. He does everything against the Torah. But he uses a flipphone

Noble Member
9 days ago

He’s a complete and utter fraud, a political hack. The guy should be ottacuxed

9 days ago

Apparently realizing his “mistake”…Yeah Right !!!!!

Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
8 days ago

Poupko for some reason loves his Democrats even as they are as anti Torah as can be, does he support their push for mengele style mutilation of confused children.

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
8 days ago

The real reason he took it down was not because of it not being kosher it was because he put the cheese on the burger when it was RAW. Chuckles is a JINO his Rabbi is a lesbian who hates Israel and said kiddush for the Hamas fighters that died on the 7th..

I think a piece of dirt wold be a better Jew then this self hating machi yid

A concerned yid
A concerned yid
8 days ago

The daughter and the “wife” he’s with…..

8 days ago

Tweeting him about basar v’chalav was indeed called for.
I also love all my fellow Jews including lefty misguided ones like Poopko & Schumer. I sometimes hate their actions. Always deferentiate between person and the maasim ra’im.

8 days ago

Certainly the Shomer Yishmael is grilling Halal burgers.

8 days ago

oh c’mon be dan lekav zechus, it was pareve cheese

The Judge
The Judge
8 days ago

A few years before she died, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did an interview with a news reporter at her house. She happened to open her large freezer and in it was a box clearly marked SQUID!

8 days ago

He will come to the Satmer rabbi with his flip phone this kosher pig

7 days ago

He didn’t delete it because it’s not kosher, he deleted it because people were criticizing him for grilling RAW meat with Cheese, which you’re supposed to grill after the meat is cooked, and it can be dangerous to do it before as he was doing in the picture.

6 days ago

you put the cheese by the end when the burger is cooked not when its raw even simple as this he dosent know
chaky cskoomer

8 days ago

I think the meat and dairy is assur only by a kosher animal like beef, not by a non kosher animal like ham..

8 days ago

Schumer has no seichel.

We know he does what he wishes. But he does not need to “advertise” it for all the public to see.

Sy A. Nora
Sy A. Nora
8 days ago

I know nothing about cheese burgers, but a friend told me that his transgression among the general public was that he put the cheese on what is apparently a raw hamburger. He can’t even do traif right.

Rebbetzin without Portfolio
Rebbetzin without Portfolio
6 days ago

Don’t even believe he had kosher meats so why the fuss over the cheese?

5 days ago

Clearly we have to be דן לכף זכות that he wished to eat cheese לכבוד שבועות and also meat לכבוד שמחת יום-טוב, but somehow didn’t realize that בשר בחלב applies 24/7/365 including even שבועות

8 days ago

mixing meat/milk combo with meat/milk combo (daughter married to another woman) worse than mixing meat with milk on burger eat.

Rena We
Rena We
8 days ago

My mother calls him an Echter Bahayma, un Saychel. It’s time for him to go.

7 days ago

what can we expect from Chuck the Shhhh muk….

Bernhard H. Rosenberg
Bernhard H. Rosenberg
6 days ago

not kosher. RABBI

Shabtai Tzvi
Shabtai Tzvi
6 days ago

Your all so cute and delicious. Yum yum yummy yummiest.

5 days ago

Bh he clearly keeps kosher as is evident in his cooking ignorance

5 days ago

Forget the halochos. He should have grilled himself.

8 days ago
What was the hashgocho on Ciprianis that Bibi relied on? (not even asking about his leaving his wife for a nochriyo). But if you’re keeping chareidim out of the army, nobody questions your commitment to your heritage.

8 days ago

Wow. The chashivus of Schumer. When made aware of his sin he immediately deleted the tweet. This is an indication of his yiddishe neshama and aversion to aveirah befarhesia. We should all take a lesson in accepting mussar from the Senate Majority Leader.

8 days ago

Can he place his glasses on the burger place is eyeglasses on the burger

Paul C Torbert
Paul C Torbert
7 days ago

Well it’s not surprising…..

Since we know about the לסביות, it’s actually surprising that both the burger and cheese aren’t vegan/fake manufactured products.

Everything else about them seems “distant” from Reality.

8 days ago

It’s vegetarian cheese don’t be quick to judge

8 days ago

He is a socially off radicle weirdo! OMG! I seriously laugh from him!! Tzup?!? He’s just lookin for extra comments and unnecessary ATT. Sorry Chuck, maybe try Verizon;)

A yid
A yid
8 days ago

You know why non religious Jews like chabad? Because they don’t make them feel like garbage for not keeping Torah and mitzvos yet. Can you imagine if a non-religious Jew stumbled upon this article or the comments? You guys need to check your attitudes- the readiness to pounce by this peanut gallery is bizarre and disturbing.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
9 days ago

Is it real cheese?

7 days ago

Not everyone and everything revolves around your belief system. You’re not the center of God’s universe anymore then anyone else is. The fact that you don’t combine milk products with meat products is just your tradition, everyone has their own minhagum. Its not like you don’t eat animal products, you eat plenty of it, you just don’t mix them together. Bottom line is that you enjoy a good piece of meat like everyone else. stop pretending that you chew your cud.

David Klein
David Klein
8 days ago

This guy is not and never claimed to be religious.
Is there a reason to call him out B’Rabim? I hear if you want to call and discuss this with him privately, that is if you think he will actually change.

Other than that, we have nothing more than lashon hara and sinas chinom on display. Shameful. Let the guy be