IDF Releases Names Of 8 Soldiers Who Fell In APC Attack, 2 In Northern Gaza


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — BDE: The IDF released the names of the eight soldiers who fell when their APC was apparently hit by an RPG, as opposed to the previous supposition that it had hit an explosive device ( a terrorist was later found dead at the scene.) The RPG apparently set off the ammunition in the APC, causing the deaths of all of its occupants.

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  • Sergeant Eliyahu Moshe Zimbalist, 21, from Beit Shemesh.
  • Sergeant Itay Amar, 19, from Kokhav Ya’ir–Tzur Yig’al.
  • Staff sergeant Stanislav Kostarev, 21, from Ashdod.
  • Staff sergeant Orr Blumovitz, 20, from Pardes Hanna-Karkur.
  • Staff sergeant Oz Yeshaia Gruber, 20, from Tal Menashe.
  • Staff sergeant Shalom Menachem, from Beit El
  • Sergeant Yakir Levi,21, from Kibbutz Hafetz Haim

All of them served in the 601st Combat Engineering Battalion.


(R to L) Yakir Levy, Shalom Menachem and Eliyahu Moshe Tzimbalist HyD. All three studied in Yeshivat Shaalvim

On Saturday night, it was cleared for publication that one of the eight IDF soldiers killed in Rafah was Captain Wassem Mahmoud, 23, from Beit Jann.

In another incident which occurred in northern Gaza, 2 soldiers were killed when their tank sustained a direct hit from Hamas terrorists. The two were identified as:

  • Eilon Weiss (49) a father of seven and grandfather of one from Psagot. Eilon, a teacher in the Amit school in Maale Adumim, had volunteered for reserve duty since October 7th. His daughter got married a few weeks ago and another daughter is due to get married in two weeks time.


Eilon Weiss (l) and Eitan Kobelevich HyD

  • Eitan Kobelevich (28) from Jerusalem, a young father of an 8-month-old baby.


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Tears in my Eyes
Tears in my Eyes
9 days ago

Baruch Dayan Haemet.
I’m embarrassed, my country has decided to accept the restrictions imposed by Biden and his cohorts in the State Department. The war has now entered a stage of planned defeat and endless human sacrifice, all for the sake of showing the world that we are progressive and humanitarian. May Hashem have mercy on his people

9 days ago

The number has risen to 11 , my question : HATEREM TEIDA KI OVDDO HUURETZ , Netanyahu should IMMIEDETALY get replaced by Smotrich & Ben Gvir . .This ground military operation is suicidical , ONLY AIR FORCE. Plus , do not stop until Hamas is completely eradicated !

Mark Ovitch
Mark Ovitch
9 days ago

Why would anyone support frum Jews putting their lives into the hands of politicians/decision makers who are apikorsim and don’t have a proper recognition of the value of a Jewish life. So many broken families.

Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
9 days ago

The PA pays the families of terroists killed or captured by israel illegally funded by Biden the dog porker terroist funder in chief.

Pakhazite Benblavolovsky
Pakhazite Benblavolovsky
8 days ago

Rest in piss 🙁