WATCH: Black Pastor Thanks Trump, Says Obama and Biden Never Came to ‘The Hood’


MICHIGAN (VINnews) — President Trump was greeted with a warm reception by black leaders in Michigan, who slammed Obama and Biden for refusing to visit “the hood”.

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Trump hosted an afternoon roundtable at an African American church in Detroit, the 180 Church, a modest brick building with “Black Americans for Trump” signs affixed. Vehicles sat nearby, while rap music and barbecue smoke wafted from a pre-event gathering organized by the Black Conservative Federation group.

The pastor said to Trump, “Thank You For Coming, President Obama Never Came To The Hood”.

“It’s a very important area for us,” Trump told the church crowd. He also promised to return “some Sunday” for a sermon.

“He’s been the worst president for Black people,” Trump said at the church in reference to Biden. He also argued that the Black community “is being hurt” by people in the country illegally, adding, “They’re invading your jobs.”


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Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
8 days ago

Trump did speak at the Black church — to a mostly White crowd of about 100 in a church with a capacity several times that. And Trump didn’t recognize the pastor.