WATCH: Seinfeld ‘demolishes’ anti-Israel heckler – ‘Genius solved the Middle East’


SYDNEY (VINnews) — Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld mocked an anti-Israel heckler who disrupted his show, while Australian comedy fans applauded the legendary comic.

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Appearing to ad-lib a brilliant retort, Seinfeld joked: “We have a genius ladies and gentlemen, he solved the Middle East,” Seinfeld remarked as the activist heckled Seinfeld. “It’s the Jewish comedians, that’s what we have to get.”

“They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds, so I would try to get all your genius out so we can all learn to you,” he added.

The audience applauded Seinfeld as he mocked the heckler who attempted to disrupt at the Qudos Bank Arena on Sunday, as seen in a video taken by Australian Jewish Association (AJA) CEO Robert Gregory.

The crowd cheered as security removed the heckler.

Seinfeld continued to crack jokes about the heckler, saying sarcastically that heckling is the solution to the crisis, because people would come to a sudden realization after reading about the disruption in the news.

“You’re really influencing everyone here, we’re all on your side now, because you’ve made your point so well, and in the right venue, you’ve come to the right place for a political conversation,” Seinfeld joked. “You have to go 20,000 miles from the problem and screw up a comedian, that is how you solve world issues.”

He also suggested that strategy interrupting comedians to solve geopolitical issues could be replicated, proposing to interrupt Australian comedian Jim Jefferies during his tour to solve issues between Indigenous and European descent Australians.

On Thursday, AJA had published communications between anti-Israel activists saying that they would be protesting the show because Seinfeld is “a big ziono.”

The Jewish group alerted in January that advertisements had been defaced with stickers.

“‘Free Palestine’ was always code for hating Jews,” AJA said on X.


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Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
9 days ago

Brilliance pure brilliance..

Hava Negila
Hava Negila
4 days ago

Stand Ups are on top of their game.. you better be on yours if you’re going to come at their house.

Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
8 days ago

I guess just trying to be funny makes you a comedian