Yair Netanyahu Slams Court For Freezing Oct. 7th Probe; ‘If There Wasn’t Treason, Why Are They Afraid To Check?’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has criticized the High Court of Justice following its decision to freeze the State Comptroller’s investigation of the major IDF and Shin Bet failure to anticipate the October 7th attack.

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“What are they trying to hide? If there was no treason, why are they so afraid that external and independent parties will check what happened?” Netanyahu Jr. wondered.

He added, “To this day, no one has explained why they did not inform the Prime Minister about the conversation held the night before October 7th [between senior intelligence officials in the IDF, regarding a possible Hamas attack]. Why was he not informed about the material discovered as part of the Walls of Jericho intelligence report [a 2022 military intelligence report which described almost to the last detail the way in which Hamas could succeed in infiltrating Israel and attack military and civilian targets, taking hostages as part of its strategy] ? Why did the heads of the army and intelligence constantly claim that Hamas was deterred? Where was the Air Force on 7.10”?

The Prime Minister’s son also slammed the attempts to establish a state commission of inquiry and claimed that it was a purely political move. “A state investigation committee, despite the pretentious name, is always chaired by a Supreme Court judge, and is therefore almost always used as a cover-up committee for the Left.”

Yesterday, the High Court of Justice ordered the freezing of the State Comptroller’s review of the IDF and Shin Bet’s failure on and up to October 7. “At this stage, pending the hearing of the petition given the complex security situation – I am ordering the postponement of the IDF and Shin Bet review,” the court concluded.

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9 days ago

He is 100% correct, there was a massive intelligence failure, perhaps incidental or, the possibility exists that it was premeditated. And there is a massive cover-up attempt going on right now. The left leaning , self preserving courts, should be kept out of it. A Truly independent investigation needs to be done here, it needs to be done ASAP, and Heads need to roll

9 days ago

This is what I’ve been saying since the beginning!
Sabotage from within by the intelligence agency in Israel. Just like in the USA.

Tsvi Kukenheim
Tsvi Kukenheim
9 days ago

Again a cover up by the left in order to have an election. Again it will show that they are trying to get rid of P.M Netanyahu.
This Institution is so dishonest by the name of the High Court that the war victims died by the hands of the left and was the cause of this war being organized by the left and with the result of Jewish hostages.

Bugsy Siegel
Bugsy Siegel
8 days ago

Won’t be surprised if the same elements that were involved in the anti reform and ant Bibi demonstrations and boycott threats were in this to their necks.

Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
9 days ago

Never understood what took the military many hours to arrive.several murderous deadly military helicopters could have been there in a short in such a tiny country. We will never get to the truth.just like biden shenanigans in the usa.

8 days ago

Yair is hiding out in Florida!

He is avoiding serving in what ever way he is supposed to. He should hold his mouth.

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
8 days ago

I’m admit that I dislike him in every way but I will say I agree with him on this 100%
Unit 8300 shut down many channels that they said were boring and a waste of time..
Also the girls that observed what was going on at the border and reported it to their officers were threatened with a court martial if they ever came back to report their concerns because the officers didn’t want to hear it.

This is what you get from the over reliance on technology, and the liberal left.

9 days ago

But did they not publish why that it was a breakdown the only other is that it was caused by another element. That’s all they need to know. And take care of the culprit. Otherwise human failures.

8 days ago

He is a big mouth spoiled brat, but he speaks the truth.