WATCH: CNN Pundit Calls L.A. Protest ‘Pogrom’

A Pro- Palestinian protester shout slogans near Adas Torah synagogue Sunday, June 23, 2024 in Los Angeles. President Joe Biden has denounced violence that flared when opponents of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza staged a protest at a Los Angeles synagogue during the weekend. (Zoe Cranfill / Los Angeles Times via AP)

(VINnews) — Even CNN slammed pro-Hamas protesters in L.A., and called the vicious attack on a shul a “pogrom”. CNN’s leftist commentator Van Jones had harsh words for the protestors and pointed out that they are not simply protesting against Israel’s policies, they are targeting Jews.

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During a conversation with CNN’s Brianna Keilar and Boris Sanchez, Jones expressed how disheartened he was by the choice of the protestors to stage their protest at a center for the Jewish community. Jones, said he found nothing wrong with protesting a policy, but by targeting a place of worship, this was an attack on “the people”.

Jones said:

“Listen, if you don’t like what’s happening in Gaza, it’s your right to protest. That’s not a problem. But you protest a policy. You don’t protest a people. When you protest a policy, you go to City Hall and you protest, you go to the Israeli consulate, peacefully, you protest. Maybe you go to your elected representative, you protest. You don’t bum rush a Jewish neighborhood and run up on a synagogue. That’s not protesting a policy, that’s protesting a people…

“I have no problem with people protesting policy. You cannot protest a people. That is not a protest. That’s a pogrom, and that has to stop”

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2 days ago

They aren’t protesters. They are rioters.

2 days ago

Kol Hakavod to Van Jones fir having the morel integrity to state very clearly how terribly wrong these Palestinians mobs are.. But CNN can’t resist presenting their twisted views even in a horrendous event where pro-Palestinian ruff-raff targeted this shul for holding a promotional expo for Israeli properties. According to CNN, this was protests by pro-Palestiniansand a counter protest by Pro-Israel individuals. No! It was an attack on a synagigue and Jewish residents in the middle of a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood. If the Jewish residents had to defend themselves, that’s not a protest!

Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
Biden and the Dems give aid and comfort to Hamas.
2 days ago

When you lose even CNN, you have truly lost it. Will biden finally condemn the Jew hating hamas supporting scum?

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
2 days ago

And CNN couldn’t cut him off because he is Black.. if it had been a white person or a Jew the mic would have been cut

Famed Member
2 days ago

First it was support for Gaza. Then it was Anti-Israel. Then it was support for Hamas. Now its Anti-Jews.
Clear blatant outright anti-semitism, rioters at Jewish institutions. Sonn it will come to all Jews all over the US.

2 days ago
