SHOCK LETTER: Mike Johnson Slams Biden for Hampering Hostage Release

President Joe Biden, with from left, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Mike Johnson of La., listen during the National Prayer Breakfast, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

WASHINGTON (VINnews) — House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote a harsh letter to President Biden, harshly criticizing the president for pressuring Israel, and accusing the administration of interfering with efforts to get hostages released.

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In his letter to the White House Wednesday, Johnson accused Biden of a “failure to resolutely support Israel in its military objectives to eliminate Hamas” which “has made it harder to help facilitate the release of those being detained, including American hostages…”

He also said the Biden administration “has spent months pressuring and attempting to micromanage Israel.”

“I write today to express grave concern that your administration is not taking sufficient steps to ensure the release of American hostages who are detained by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. It has been 8 months since Iranian-backed terrorists invaded Israel and murdered over 1,200 Israelis, took 235 people-including American citizens hostage, and committed acts of rape and other horrific atrocities that are clear violations of international law and human rights,” Johnson wrote.

“The failure to resolutely support Israel in its military objectives to eliminate Hamas has made it harder to help facilitate the release of those being detained, including American hostages that Hamas brutally kidnapped on October 7, 2023. Instead of focusing on bringing home the Americans and Israelis held hostage, your administration has spent months pressuring and attempting to micromanage Israel,” added Johnson.

“The United States must do everything in our power to support Israel’s right to self-defense, and work toward the immediate release of hostages, including the remaining American citizens.”

“Today, the hostage situation is deteriorating quickly, and American families feel betrayed by a President who is allowing their loved ones and other hostages to languish. The undermining of Israel, especially as it is fighting a war for its survival from Iranian-backed groups on multiple fronts, is unconscionable, unacceptable, and contradicts your claim to have an ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel’s security. It is long past time your administration instead put maximum pressure on Hamas and its enablers,” wrote Johnson.

He called on Biden to “leverage all American options and influence to support Israel in bringing these hostages home, and restore the use of emergency authorities to ensure Israel has everything it needs immediately to defeat these threats and restore security.”

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cool masmid
cool masmid
1 day ago

The Speaker is a true אהב ישראל. He truly is a blessing to Israel. I hope his majority increases come November and he can flex some more muscle..

1 day ago

Mike Johnson addresses the situation with cogency and clarity that is largely absent in the current US administration. He is a man of strong faith and standing firmly with Israel is anchored in his moral rectitude. He isxknown to be a religious man who practices his beliefs and doesnt just spout dogma. He ranks as a member of chasidei umos haolam.

Esther in LA
Esther in LA
1 day ago

Gd bless Speaker Johnson.

1 day ago

This would not be happening under trump. Shame on this pathetic administration they are all hate their country . Can’t wait till Nov

1 day ago

Very nice, and encouraging , but the shame is there’s still some people consider themselves Jewish who would still vote DemocRAT , although fewer are then ever , but still too many, hope they wake up soon

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
18 hours ago

Johnson refused for months to bring to a vote the Israel Ukraine Taiwan aid package. He is a hypocrite.

1 day ago

Johnson loves Israel due to his religion’s fascination with Israel’s destruction in the Xtian “apocalypse” they call the “Rapture”. With friends like that, we don’t need enemies.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
2 days ago

Who thinks Bibi has done a cracker jack job freeing hostages? Are we up to four by now?