After Poor Debate Showing, Rattled Democrats Call On Biden To Step Down


NEW YORK (VINnews) — After Thursday night’s debate was almost unanimously declared a decisive Trump victory, with even the left-wing CNN stating that 67% felt Trump had performed better, many of President Joe Biden’s supporters are now calling on him to step down.

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All Biden’s allies wanted was that he demonstrate strength and energy on the debate stage Thursday night to help put to rest questions about the 81-year-old Democrat’s physical and mental acuity.

But on the biggest stage in US politics, Biden did not meet their modest expectations. His voice hoarse from what White House officials told reporters was a cold, Biden hurried through some of his talking points on the debate stage, stumbled over some answers, and trailed off during others.

By the end of the 90-minute showdown, the Democratic president’s allies — party strategists and rank-and-file voters alike — descended into all-out panic following a debate performance punctuated by repeated stumbles, uncomfortable pauses, and a quiet speaking style that was often difficult to understand. Publicly and privately, Democrats questioned whether the party could or should replace him as the party’s presidential nominee against the 78-year-old former president Donald Trump this fall.

Even New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a close associate of Biden, argued the incumbent must be replaced as a candidate in November’s election. In an op-ed titled “President Biden Is My Friend. He Must Bow Out of the Race,” Friedman wrote that the debate “made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime.”

Early in the debate, Biden paused as he was making a point about Medicare and tax reform and seemed to lose his train of thought.

Tax reform would create money to help “strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I was able to do with the, with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we had to do with,” Biden said, pausing. “We finally beat Medicare.”

Trump, whose facial expressions did not hide his derision for Biden’s rambling,  jabbed Biden for being incoherent, saying at one point: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said.”

While Biden struggled, Trump rattled off his political mantras effortlessly, describing how migrants have increased crime rates and Democrats have gone as far as supporting infanticide in abortions. [As espoused by former Virginia governer Ralph Northam]

About halfway through, a Democratic strategist who worked on Biden’s 2020 campaign, called it a “disaster.”

“There is no way to spin this. His performance was disqualifying,” a top Democratic fundraiser who spoke on condition of anonymity told Reuters after the event.

“I expect fundraising to dry up. Money follows enthusiasm,” the fundraiser added. “How can anyone with a straight face say ‘Donate to elect Joe.’”

“That was the worst performance in the history of televised presidential debates,” Tim Miller, a former Republican strategist-turned ardent Biden supporter, said in the spin room after the debate, shaking his head in disbelief.

Former Obama campaign aide Ravi Gupta was more blunt, calling for starting the political process for finding a suitable replacement for Biden.

“Every Democrat I know is texting that this is bad,” Gupta wrote on X. “Just say it publicly and begin the hard work of creating space in the convention for a selection process. I’ll vote for a corpse over Trump, but this is a suicide mission.”

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2 days ago

Well, what did they expect? He was in decline for years already. Every person involved in having Biden elected 4 years ago, from voters, to the voting frauds, to Jill Biden and Obama and the others who are the real powers behind the screen, need to be jailed for elder abuse. People are angry at Biden for what he did to this country but he’s not the one in power at all. And now the poor man didn’t perform as well as his abusive puppet handlers expected of their puppet…it’s unbelievable how Biden had approximately 50% support in the polls until now…

strategic blunder: why not wait 2 months?!!
strategic blunder: why not wait 2 months?!!
2 days ago

Another strategic blunder by Trump and his team: this debate should have taken place AFTER the Democratic Party convention, after August 22 2024, when Biden’s candidacy would have been locked in. Unfortunately, at this point in time, the Democratic Party CAN still hypothetically change its nominee, despite the primary elections results. It’s one thing for Trump to easily prevail against senile Biden, it would be something else if Trump would find out on August 22 that he is really running against some other younger and charismatic opponent. If Trump was a good strategist, he would have realized the benefits of running against a weaker opponent, and wouldn’t have taken out this weaker opponent until a point when this opponent can not be switched. Why couldn’t Trump wait 2 more months for the debates?!!! Trump may have his heart in the right place, but the man is no strategist.

Vindman is a traitor
Vindman is a traitor
2 days ago

You know who else was watching ?
Russia, Ukraine, Iran, N. Korea, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the entire free world too.

Rachael Madcow
Rachael Madcow
2 days ago

No dem is even sniffing that Kamala should be the nominee. Total silence.

Esther in LA
Esther in LA
2 days ago

This “sudden” realization that Biden is old and senile can only be attributed to a tremendous amount of denial. In fact it’s been painfully obvious for a long time.

2 days ago

So interesting that Hashem made Biden sick to give Trump another boost. I guess this is a boon for Israel, IY”H…

2 days ago

1. No way that Biden is removed with article 25. By picking Kamala as his VP, he’s made himself irreplaceable. 2. What were the Democrats thinking???? Why did they agree to a debate? Didn’t they realize what EVERYONE knew; that a debate is NOT the same as (badly) reading from a teleprompter?

2 days ago

The Kenyan is in charge

2 days ago

He will not step down but he will retire/resign a month after inauguration and hand over the reins to Harris – an even bigger disaster than him.

Reparations proponent
Reparations proponent
2 days ago

Bla bla bla. These wicked evil democrats will NEVER dump the useful idiot, Joe Biden! They even spoke about removing Joe during the 2020 campaign and did nothing. As Trump said so beautifully during the debate: you NEVER fired a single cabinet member! Not even the murderer Alejandro Mayorkas! The evil democrats will ALWAYS circle the wagon for one of their own! If they dare fire ANY employee, that will somehow someway somewhere give a “victory” to that evil WHITE racist Republican KKK member & Supremacist, Donald Trump! Remember the golden rule at the DNC:
Democrat – good
Republican – bad

I was a democrat it I saw the light
I was a democrat it I saw the light
2 days ago

This was discussed months ago about him being replaced at convention All this was theater probable replacement governor if California

Same old
Same old
2 days ago

What we need to ask ourselves what are we going to do if dementia Joe is going to continue running and most importantly what is America going to do if dementia Joe wins the presidency again GD forbid . looool

2 days ago

Many people feel compassion for the old, senile man who made a fool of himself in front of the world. I only feel compassion for the tens of innocent people he had jailed for decades due to the January 6 debacle and whose lives he ruined. I feel compassion for Trump whom he is hounding with phony court cases. I feel compassion for the American people who have to deal with his fraudulent election shenanigans, and for his open borders flooding the US with rapists and murderers. . This man is not an old feeble nebach. He is a very evil individual who has caused immense damage to countless innocent people.

Trident 5
Trident 5
2 days ago

What’s being hushed up is that we don’t have a coherent president. There’s a shadow group in the WH running this country. Hopefully, this will be brought out very soon.

Kinda suspicious Huh
Kinda suspicious Huh
2 days ago

This is suspicious. Watching CNNs reaction, its almost like they planned to take Biden out so that they can get someone in with higher poll numbers.

Hillary's wipe rag
Hillary's wipe rag
1 day ago

Alas, too much Yiddreck still voting Biden.

1 day ago


1 day ago


1 day ago


the idea
the idea
2 days ago

I told my kids last year ‘There’s not going be an election this year’. I was joking and meant last year but I wonder if there will be an election this year. It won’t be just a problem of election fraud but a problem of an election at all.
It’s going to be a hot summer in the U.S.

2 days ago

These pitiful leftist evil morons will stick with this feeble and decrepit old evil monster but not vote trump

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
2 days ago

Too late to change candidates now. They will have to go with who they have.