2 IDF Soldiers Fall In Northern Gaza


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — BDE: The IDF announced Saturday night that two soldiers had fallen in battle in northern Gaza:

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  • Staff Sergeant Yair Avitan, 20, from Ra’anana, a member of the 890th Battalion of the Paratroopers Brigade.

Sergeant First Class (Res.) Yakir Shmuel Teitelbaum, 21, from Ma’ale Adumim, a member of the 77th Battalion of the 7th Brigade.

On Friday, Sergeant Eyal Shynes, 19, from Kibbutz Afik fell in battle in southern Gaza.

Shynes served in the 931th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade.

Sergeant Eyal Shynes

Eyal Shynes HyD

The IDF also reported that a soldier from the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade, and a soldier from the ‘Rotem’ Battalion of the Givati Brigade were severely injured during combat in northern Gaza.

The injured soldiers were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.

The soldiers were part of an IDF thrust into the Sejaiya neighborhood of Gaza, which was cleared in December but had since once again become a hub of terrorist activity. Troops from the 98th division are fighting terrorists in close-quarters combat and by directing aerial fire. So far dozens of terrorists are reported eliminated in combat.

The troops of the 7th Brigade Combat Team led the division and encircled the sector that had been converted by Hamas terrorists into an operational center. The troops located observation posts, weapons, enemy drones, and a long-range rocket launcher near the schools.

The Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team began to clear and dismantle terrorist infrastructure and military buildings in the area. During their operation, the troops located weapons and underground tunnel shafts.

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