Rabbi Ovadia’s Great-Grandson: The Torah Says All Must Enlist For Milchemet Mitzvah


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — As the Jerusalem faction and the Eda Charedis plan a huge demonstration on Sunday against the court’s attempt to force the government to conscript yeshiva students, a great-grandson of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Rabbi Yair Paran, spoke out in favor of the court.

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In reference to words spoken by his great-uncle, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, regarding the court’s Torah knowledge, Paran (29), an outspoken rabbi and father of two who recently served for four months in Gaza, said that “Whether or not they know a blatt gemara is irrelevant to this discussion. When there is a law it must be upheld.”

Paran claimed that “The Torah obligates every Jew to enlist, especially when it is a Milchemes Mitzvah – saving Jews from their enemies. This is explicit in the Mishna, Gemara and Rambam. All must enlist and do what they can to protect the Jewish nation. It is unthinkable that some people see themselves as exempt from this obligation.”

“Whoever doesn’t show up to his IDF callup is a deserter with all the legal ramifications of this and can be taken to jail.”

Paran claimed that the Sephardi leadership had broken ranks and taken extreme positions which they had not adopted in the past. “They have taken the position of Ashkenazi charedim who are more fundamentalist, such as the Jerusalem faction. These are statements we hadn’t heard before, Rav Ovadia didn’t say them. There’s no reason there should be distinctions between blood and blood. Some people are willing to endanger their lives and pay with their lives, the highest possible price, while others want to sit at home.

“Steps must be taken wisely. Whoever goes head to head will see a wall on the other side. I don’t for a minute remove responsibility from Charedi society. It’s true that they can’t take 60,000 people and jail them but it’s possible to make significant sanctions, to stop budgets to all yeshivos with deserters. It’s incomprehensible that the state would fund deserters from the taxpayers money. Its unthinkable that a charedi studying Torah instead of enlisting should receive subsidies for child care. We’ll begin with the economic sanctions and move on from there.”


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Bertche Yaknehaz
Bertche Yaknehaz
2 days ago

Excuse me, but what the brave, young rabbi said is not a straw man fallacy by any means.

The חשמונאים fought the Seleucids – and they were kohanim. And although they were fighting a religious war, we cannot ignore the fact that Israel is now waging a war for her very survival.

Learning is sublime and the Torah is the Jewish People’s raison d’être. Equally, the Torah enjoins us לֹֽא־תַֽעֲמֹד עַל־דַּם רֵעֶךָ. Rashi explains: לִרְאוֹת בְּמִיתָתוֹ וְאַתָּה יָכוֹל לְהַצִּילוֹ. So then, when we are dealing with an existential threat, with the possibility of annihilation (גאָט בּאַהיט זייַן) – so clearly an issue of פיקוח נפש on so grand a scale, it behooves us as Jews to serve or to lend our support to those who serve, and to do so with faith and pride.

1 day ago

why you posting this Ke’ilu he’s a man de’amar?!

1 day ago

The first results when searching his name point to “Yeshiva” Chovlei Torah (delusionally referred to as Chovevei Torah). I don’t understand why YWN would quote someone associated with that place.

1 day ago

All this debate is stupid,since people are nitpicking about the 5% more chareidim that could be kravim and establish another brigade (shall I remind that they are not financed by the state?)-and close their eyes to the numerous Israelis who could be kravim but chose safer paths ,or didn’t serve at all
Thus said,this Rav Yair Paran made the right choice for himself-but people should study more percentages and facts

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
1 day ago

This is all a very nice philosophical discussion however practically on so many levels its senseless. Firstly, the melchemas mitzva argument assumes that they are alreayd trained and can join tomorrow and fight. In reality its going to take six months at least to recruit and train them. By then the war is over. Secondly, the idea that you can train the charedim is absurd. They are out of shape both mentally and physically. Its just a different mindset. To top it off you’d need to accommodate charedi needs which isn’t easy. It would be such a strain on the IDF that it isn’t worth it. Lastly, you know that charedim just won’t listen. You also know that the govt generally needs them for any coaltion and they hold a strong block. They most you can do is legal moves by the court. I don’t thonk the courts would legally require the govt to punish all charedi yeshivas bec they also have draft dodgers. And I don’t think the courts can financially strip them of certain basics like health care etc. Time will tell but I suspect its all a waste of time. All it will do is cause greater friction and impede any success in bridging the gap. All this will do is provide more fodder to Hamas who loves when there are civil fractures. And it will ruin our focus and primary concern

1 day ago

I’d agree with him before I do with those so called “chareidim” that are marching for Hamas claiming to represent authentic Judaism. Not all these boys are cut out or going to be learners their entire lives. Some of them will wind up working men and there is no better place to introduce them to society at large than the army – where they are supervised, guided and disciplined by Charedi officers and NCOs. Frankly, I think these boys will only bring more kedusha to the IDF and beH be mekarev their fellow soldiers.

1 day ago

Nice that he enlists, but I don’t think this is the opinion of his esteemed Great grandfather.

1 day ago
