GOP Leaders Predict Trump Could Be First Republican to Win NY and NJ in Decades Following Biden’s Debate Misstep

    President Joe Biden walks from the stage during a break in a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

    NEW YORK – President Biden’s debate performance has energized GOP leaders in New York and New Jersey, who now believe that former President Donald Trump might become the first Republican to win these states in four decades.

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    Even though winning these traditionally blue states remains a challenge, party insiders and independent analysts anticipate that Trump will perform well enough in the suburbs to help Republican House incumbents retain their seats from the 2022 elections and potentially even make gains.

    “Trump can win New York just like Ronald Reagan did in 1980,” stated Ed Cox, chairman of the New York State Republican Party.

    A recent poll by Siena College showed Trump trailing Biden by only 8 percentage points in New York, with 47% to Biden’s 39%. This survey was conducted a week before the June 25 debate.

    An insider from Trump’s campaign mentioned that internal polling indicates the race in New Jersey is a “toss-up.” Trump’s rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, in May attracted 100,000 supporters.

    Cox pointed out that Reagan won due to “stagflation” under then-Democratic President Jimmy Carter, and similarly, many voters are now suffering from “Bidenflation.”

    “New York, a Democratic stronghold for decades, is within reach for Trump. The conditions are ripe for political realignment with New York as part of a Trump victory,” he said. “While New York is a blue state, it is more blue-collar blue than Upper West Side blue.”

    Cox also highlighted that Trump’s campaign focus on issues like the border-migrant crisis, the economy, and crime is resonating with frustrated blue-leaning voters in the northeast.

    “Biden’s debate performance hurts the Democrats in New York running for swing seats,” commented O’Brien “O.B.” Murray, a campaign strategist with experience working for both Republicans and Democrats.

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    1 day ago

    Haven’t watched the debate but I don’t get it…
    The Dems just realized now he’s not capable ??
    We’ve all been saying this for years, why are they shocked ?!?
    May Hashem make Trump win please!! (Despite all their evil tricks)

    1 day ago

    Trump 2024 Landslide here we go!

    1 day ago

    With Hashems help ,& Blessings

    Rachael Madcow
    Rachael Madcow
    1 day ago

    Trump’a acceptance of a debate from lying, Trump hating CNN was brilliant. The demonrats and their donors have tried to pull the wool over America’s eyes denying Joe was incapacitated. Now millions saw the unvarnished truth.

    1 day ago

    God bless trump and his family

    Needs to be said
    Needs to be said
    1 day ago

    Unlike the Democrats, you can’t start counting your votes before you get them. There is a very very very slim possibility that the sleepy sleazy Joe will be on the ticket in November. Odds are it will be somebody else, no matter how illegal it is .

    1 day ago

    He probably won California and NU in 2020 but no one bothered checking for fraud there.

    1 day ago

    The fake media lied to American people all this time , all the Biden donors lied about his decline condition. Shame on them I hope people see right through and see how corrupt the dems are.

    mee hoo ze
    mee hoo ze
    1 day ago

    The survey never asks the people whose votes are decided by others..