‘New York Times’ Has ‘Unconscious’ Bias Against Jewish Community, Says UJA-Federation of NY


    NEW YORK (JNS) – On June 25, The New York Times published a story titled “Bowman falls in House primary, overtaken by flood of pro-Israel money.” The following day, it changed the headline to “Bowman falls to Latimer in a loss for progressive Democrats.”

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    The paper’s “unconscious bias towards the Jewish community continues to manifest itself in new and harmful ways,” Eric Goldstein, CEO of the UJA-Federation of New York, wrote last week.

    Goldstein called the original headline about Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) “staggering” and said that it “placed blame for Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s primary defeat at the feet of Jews.”

    “It is true that pro-Israel groups contributed significant financial resources to the race, which is not surprising given Mr. Bowman’s extremist positions and past statements about Israel, including that reports of Hamas’s sexual assaults against women on Oct. 7 were Israeli ‘propaganda,’” Goldstein wrote. “But there is no excuse for a prominent headline stating Mr. Bowman was ‘Overtaken by flood of pro-Israel money.’”

    “Implying that Jewish and pro-Israel donors unfairly tipped the scales has serious consequences. Not only does it feed a dreadful antisemitic stereotype, it does a disservice to voters in the 16th Congressional District who made their voices heard, loud and clear,” he added. “Equally troubling was the Times’s recent A1 profile of pro-Israel advocate Miriam Adelson, which played upon those same stereotypes.”

    Goldstein wrote that the paper of record “has an ethical and moral obligation to recognize the impact of its reporting.”

    “In recent years, the Times’s leadership has been upfront about its commitment to diversity and recognizing unconscious bias—no doubt an important effort,” he added. “We simply ask that this standard is applied to the Jewish community, as well.”

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    3 days ago

    No it’s pretty concious bias, everyone knew this, that they hate jews both secular and religious(All their articles against jewish schools). As well that their favorite jew is an antisemitic jew. No wonder jewish federations have been unable to do anything in this country. You should have seen their terrible coverage of oct 7th when they treated terrorist rapists with kid gloves like the rest of the media but now it’s unconcious bias yeah right. This is disgraceful. The head should resign if he is this out of touch.

    3 days ago

    It’s conscious.

    The NYT is a propaganda paper for Hamas.
    The NYT is a propaganda paper for Hamas.
    3 days ago

    It isn’t unconscious.

    3 days ago

    Any Jew who still has a subscription to the NY Times, should cancel it immediately!

    Just asking
    Just asking
    3 days ago

    Must have been a very sorry decision tommske this statement from an organization that is owned part and parcel by the dnc.

    3 days ago

    Holocaust denying NYT

    3 days ago

    the NY times has been for many years a anti Jewish newspaper run by self hating liberal Jews.
    It is very disgusting.

    Delicious cake
    Delicious cake
    3 days ago

    The NYT also refused to report on the Holocaust when news came out of the mass murder of the Jews, there is a book called buried by the Times. It’s nothing new.

    Chamas hemelech
    Chamas hemelech
    2 days ago

    Didn’t know people still read the times.they sell it in my local pet shop as poop scooper