Tefillin Straps Of Rav Chaim Kanievski To Be Auctioned In Jerusalem

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky at his home in the city of Bnei Brak, on December 26, 2019. Photo by Yaakov Nahumi/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** øá çééí ÷ðééáñ÷é ìäúáøê áé÷åø ìåîã ñôø ÷ïøà áéú

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The Tefillin straps (Shel Yad and Shel Rosh) which were worn by Rabbi Chaim Kanievski Zts’l have been placed on public auction. The straps are in the boxes of Shel Rosh and Shel Yad (but without the actual Tefillin). The straps are in good condition and can be added to another pair of Tefillin.

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The item will be put up for sale in the Winner’s auction house in Jerusalem on 7.21.24 at a starting price of $2000 and is expected to fetch between $5000-$10000.

קופסת התפילין

Rabbi Kanievski, who passed away in 2022, was revered as the leader of the Lithuanian community in his lifetime. He completed Shas for the first time at age 17. Every week he would return from yeshiva and study with his uncle the Chazon Ish. At a relatively early age he started a fixed regimen in which he studied the entire Torah yearly, completing 8 folios of Bavli as well as the Yerushalmi, Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch and commentaries every year. He also published many sefarim including a compendium on the Mishna Berurah and a commentary on parts of Rambam.


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3 days ago

At least it’s not his pants.

Bizayon alert
Bizayon alert
3 days ago

Who will be getting the money from the sale? Into whose pocket will it be going?

Jj Friedman
Jj Friedman
3 days ago

How many poor people can you feed for $10K

3 days ago

I recall they sold his streaimel as well

Old Man
Old Man
2 days ago

I’m with Iyyar 5.
Does he have a guitar that he played when he was younger?
Maybe an autographed pair of sneakers?
Even if this is not a zilzul of tashmishay kedusha, it is in poor taste.

2 days ago

Give his תפילין straps to his sons or grandsons or great grandsons, or place them in a museum, but how dare anyone auction them:- Not even if proceeds go to צדקה

Moshe leib
Moshe leib
3 days ago

I’m selling my personal never laundered collection of shabbos socks.

Yossi Silberstein
Yossi Silberstein
2 days ago

If it was me, it would go to a grand child’s bar mitzvah.

2 days ago


Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
2 days ago

They would sell him if they could ( assuming they didn’t)

Charles D
Charles D
2 days ago

Look posters,
True ,it gives impression of bad taste but we don’t know the finacial situation of people. Lehavdil, some famous ex-baseball & hockey players have auctioned their memorabilia because they were strapped for cash. Let’s hold off, we really don’t know.