Errol Louis’ Ignorance and Bias Against Jews and Yeshivas are Unacceptable


NEW YORK (VINnews) Errol Louis, a leftist journalist and television host, is on a mission to attack Yeshivas and take over their curriculum. 

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This past weekend, Louis wrote a column in New York Magazine, falsely depicting the yeshiva education as extremely below acceptable standards, and describing students who graduate as lacking a basic knowledge of secular subjects.

Louis is creating his own facts, based on lies he is being fed by those trying to breach the yeshiva system and dictate their own curriculum. He did not back up his bogus claims with data or research, nor did he conduct any sort of investigation.

He is on a jihad against Yeshivas, and makes any accusations necessary to win public support. Louis’ article is dripping with disdain and condescension for the orthodox Jewish approach to education.

The problem is, Louis has no clue what he is talking about. He does not mention if he has ever entered a yeshiva, but regardless, he is ignorant of the facts, biased, and his only inside source is a bitter malcontent with a personal vendetta against yeshivas, who launched this movement to fulfill his personal revenge. 

Louis misconstrued the facts, accepts as gospel the words of one biased individual, and accuses the state and city of a massive cover up.

In addition to his ignorance about all the benefits of the yeshiva system, Louis ignores the fact that the baseline education in the New York public school system makes the average yeshiva look like Harvard University. 

Here are some of the comments written in response to Louis’ article on Twitter:

“When the government gets public education right for those who participate in that monstrosity, then you have the right to start talking about other communities.”

“In the spirit of fair journalism please share with us how many Yeshivas you visited, and how many successful #Yeshiva graduates you interviewed in writing this article.” 

-Rabbi Yisroel Kahan, Member Rockland Human Rights Commission. Assistant to Mayor & Police Commissioner, Spring Valley.

“As a mother with sons in yeshiva I don’t want any government intervention in their education. WE chose their religious schools. This was OUR choice. You wrote that MOST yeshivas do a fine job & some are spectacular. We are grateful to be able to exercise our religious rights, At the same time, they have NO right to change the education that works for the majority of US who chose and continue to choose yeshiva education for OUR children. And we are PROUD of our students & the lives they lead as a result of our education including their Jewish Studies.”

-Rivkie Feiner

“Maybe stop promoting discriminatory smear campaigns against a minority group that was already targeted by Cuomo and other state and city leaders during the pandemic?”

-Daniel Greenfield  

“How appropriate would it be for an Orthodox Jew to write an Op-Ed about how black people should educate their children?”

-Yaakov (Jack) Kaplan

“My husband & I have been trying to hire an assistant for months & not one of the applicants has been functionally literate. Every candidate has been a product of the public school system, in the meantime the yeshiva students I know can run circles around them by 4th grade.”

-Rochel Steinmetz

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Joy Reid
Joy Reid
1 year ago

I’ve heard the affermative action Errol Louis spew his hatred on WNYC in years past. He doesn’t only hate Orthodox Jews. He hates all whites. He hates anything pure and moral. But alas, he’s got the magic skin color, so he can concoct any lie he likes and no one will dare say a word against him.

1 year ago

“Ignorance and Bias Against Jews”
“creating his own facts”

“leftist journalist”

Well, no wonder. The third item fully explains the other two.

Yeshiva Reject
Yeshiva Reject
1 year ago

Funny how PEARLS and all the other anti-YAFFED people think a frum “education” is so important now. It sure wasn’t considered important for me to have a Jewish education back when I was a kid and had to go to public school because the frum schools wouldn’t accept me.

1 year ago

Reading between the lines, it almost seems like Moster CANNOT ‘faargin’ that there are others who had the same education he had and are today, very successful businessmen and frum practicing Jews, to boot, whilst sadly, he’s NEITHER !!!

1 year ago

another affirmative action hiree

Noble Member
1 year ago

A hateful nar speaks and writes against Yidden without knowing much, and believing what hateful others are saying.

1 year ago

Its worth reading the ignorant Errol Louis article in its entirety. You will get almost the full picture of Mosters real intension.

The fuming of Moster makes any non-Jew to become a full fledge anti-semith.

Moster paints Frum Yidden as the lowest of human kind.

Its unbelievable how after all these years that he left completely Yiddishkiet he still cant get over the fact that he was born and raised in a Frum family.

1 year ago

Why do you put the Yeshivas down? They’re much better than Harvard.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
1 year ago

This is really a complex topic where both sides have a point.
Chasdish and yeshivish Yeshivas really do not teach offer much of nay secular education. Thats just the truth. I don’t see how you cab call that racism when there is just zero secular studies n high school. its a hard fact. Now should that matter? Maybe not. We are resourceful enough that we can catch up on any lost secular education via kleping some RCT’s prior to entering a PCS accounting course or just pushing oursleves. So maybe it doesn’t matter but the truth is we don’t teach english.

Now I do need to push back on this silly argument that hey public schools are worse. Public schools are faced with a unique challenge. Most or many of NYC kids come form broken and disadvantaged homes. The children’s socio enconmic conditions are far from as a stable as ours. Thus, you can’t place them on the same pedestal. You need to compare yeishav education to some ritzy private school (maybe charter) in the upper west side or in a wealthy NJ/CT community. Most of those children are highly educated and go on to major colleges.

The other very distrubing point is what do our HS children do in lieu of studying english? Or they learbing torah all day? Do they have zits fliesh? So why not have secular studies? Whats wrong? Didn’t bobov a generation ago offer it? Didin;t Satmar two generations ago offer it under the reba ZYA?

Last edited 1 year ago by
1 year ago

Firstly shame on the ‘New York Magazine’ for not fully fact checking and allowing lies to be published. Secondly, I factually know that when I was in Yeshiva, we had a full education, both Torah and secular. We started at 9:00 for Judaica 1:00 was mincha, 1:30 – 6:15 was secular ed. And both were high quality educations.

1 year ago

About 23 years ago a Chasidic Architect told me that his father was a public school teacher who said that in their schools actual teaching is about 2 hours a day the rest of time is spent on extra curricular activities like sports etc. so nowadays with all the left wing rubbish they indoctrinate the kids you could figure teaching close to 0. Todays public schools are no more than left wing indoctrination mills.

hard at work yeshiva grad
hard at work yeshiva grad
1 year ago

nick made a friend. i am so happy for him.

1 year ago

is erol a good shiduch for beatrice?

1 year ago

2 or 3 things can be true at the same time. 1. Many Chasidish Yeshivahs do not teach even a modicum of secular studies. 2. Many graduates of the Yeshiva system are B’H very successful despite (or BECAUSE of [they don’t have the option of getting a good paying job due to their lack of basic skills; they’re forced to go into business]) not having basic language skills. 3. It wouldn’t kill the Yeshivahs (including Mesivtah) to teach secular studies a few hours a day. (It would also help teach our children a little Derech Eretz by being respectful to the usual not as frum or not Jewish teachers.) 4. Many Public Schools are a disaster.

1 year ago

according to nick’s wikepedia page he just announced that he is planning on stepping down from his “charity” yaffed after 10 years of non-stop shnorring, spreading lies and hatred, and whining like a LOSER about his childhood/ At 36, nick may actually have plans to fulfill his marital obligations as written in the kesubah and get a job. Does anyone know why all of a sudden nick discovered the kesubah?

1 year ago

Thanks for increasing his readers 500%. Are you working for him?

1 year ago

Schools that do not teach the mandatory core curriculum are in violation of the law. They need to be brought into compliance.

Charles B Hall
Charles B Hall
1 year ago

“falsely depicting the yeshiva education as extremely below acceptable standards”

Not false. I personally have met yeshiva grads who are illiterate in English. Not to mention having no real understanding of science or history.

1 year ago

The most damage won’t be caused by whether secular studies are a yes or no. It has already been caused by the outright Sheker led by our leaders. What do so many Yidden (including teenagers) think when they know there are groups that provide no secular education but the video is done by the native English speaking head of a Yeshiva that provides a great secular education and acts like his school is the reason the state went in? We love (& it’s a terrible trait) to compare to the outsides worst when like our schools they’re are small part. Why does everyone keep comparing to the worst public schools acting like they’re the norm? Are we willfully blind to not understand unlike our private schools public schools need to take everybody? Of course there are public schools that have a clientele of unstable families & non-english speaking immigrants working long hours at low paying jobs. But all over America there are great public schools providing a great education. Do you really believe Non-Jews living in the suburbs don’t care about education?
End of the day I’m concerned how many teenagers will go otd after seeing how after being told we’re special and the most moral and honest nation ever when it came down to it we’re liars like everyone else.

Naftuli M.
Naftuli M.
1 year ago

Anything to excuse denying our children an education.