US Criticizes Israeli Settlement Plans But Offers No Action

FILE - The West Bank settlement of Kfar HaOranim is viewed Oct. 20, 2022. The U.S. on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, criticized new Israeli plans to build thousands of new homes for Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank, but gave no indication it would take any action against its close Middle Eastern ally. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File)

JERUSALEM (AP) — The U.S. on Monday criticized new Israeli plans to build thousands of new homes for Jewish settlers in the West Bank, but gave no indication it would take any action against its close Middle Eastern ally.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced the plans late Sunday, saying they were in response to recent deadly Palestinian violence.

It said Israel would legalize nine settlement outposts that were built without authorization and convene a special planning committee in the coming days to approve additional settlement construction.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a hard-line settler whose responsibilities also include authority over settlement construction, said some 10,000 housing units were set to be approved. Netanyahu’s new government is dominated by Israeli ultranationalists who support settlement construction and oppose Palestinian independence.

The United States opposes settlement construction on occupied territories claimed by the Palestinians. Over 700,000 Jewish Israelis now live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem — territories captured in the 1967 Mideast war and sought by the Palestinians for their future state.

In Washington, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. was “deeply troubled” by the Israeli decision. “We strongly oppose such unilateral measures, which exacerbate tensions and undermind the prospects for a negotiated two-state solution.”

But Blinken gave no indication that the Biden administration is prepared to take action. Israel has shrugged off similar statements of concern in the past.

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The Professor
The Professor
1 year ago

As long as the US wrings its hands publicly to display sympathy for Palestinians but does nothing else, it is a tacit acceptance of Israel’s right to legalize these long-standing settlements. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, they are cornered in their own contradictory ideology. There is no one with whom to talk who would live long enough to sign any kind of peace agreement with Israel. Until that ever happens, the idea of a two-state solution is a pipe dream.

1 year ago

Build. Build. Build.

1 year ago

Oy! When will America realize that the Arabs have enough land of their own and they can just enjoy what they have without bothering Israel
1 year ago

Who cares what the woke regime thinks

1 year ago

Israel, should tell that demented Alzheimer diseased TREASONOUS DemonRat masquerading as President, to keep his filthy nose out of other countries affairs.

1 year ago

I think Bibi should start giving dayus to America on all the new settlements being built in occupied Lakewood that were taken away from the Indians

1 year ago

In other news, this wicked Administration has not said one word about the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks.

1 year ago

I thought no human being Is illegal?