Former Head Of Shin Bet: ‘Chareidi Politicians Are Jewish Jihad, Existential Threat To State Of Israel’


    JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The spate of anti-chareidi statements and invective from prominent personalities in Israel continues unabated as the government seeks to pass a budget which would see significant allocations to chareidi institutions.

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    Two former public figures, one a former Labor party MK and the other a former head of the Shin Bet lashed out at chareidim over the weekend [in apparent reference to chareidi politicians], using sharp and extreme terms to lambast them and their way of life.

    Karmi Gilon was the head of the Shin Bet when Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated. After the assassination, Gilon was blamed by the Shamgar committee for not preparing the organization enough to ensure the prime minister’s security. Gilon resigned but did not give up his political aspirations and served in various diplomatic roles. In the past Gilon has demonstrated against prime minister Netanyahu and against the “occupation” in Judea and Samaria.

    In reference to the current situation, Gilon was quoted by Haaretz as saying that “The chareidi and religious Zionist politicians are the Jewish jihad, they are an existential threat to the state of Israel.”

    Gilon was speaking at an anti-government rally in Karkur on Saturday night. He added: “Bibi, you’re finished politically, go away with a mark of disgrace on your forehead and be remembered as the politician who nearly brought about the destruction of Israel.”

    In another anti-chareidi statement made on Knesset TV, former Labor MK Daniel Ben-Simon said that “I can’t live with chareidim. They don’t want me, I don’t want them. In the Rabin government they were only involved in money, taking money, taking money and more money. In the end it became clear that they only wanted money. Sitting with them has made my life miserable.”

    Ben-Simon claimed that he had arrived in Israel from Morocco as “traditional” but now identified as “secular” due to the behavior of the chareidim with whom he was involved. Yet at the end, when pushed by moderators, he admitted that for coexistence one needs to give honor to another person even when not agreeing with him.


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    11 months ago

    As a chareidi living in Eretz Yisroel, I would like to know how to “live off others”? At most I could get $1000 from kollel and that would only be partially funded by the government. The rest would come from private donors to the kollel.

    It would also not cover much of my living expenses.

    If anyone has any step by step instructions on how to actually live off the government stipends, please let me know.

    I would like to stop paying taxes, contributing to bituach Leumi. (Social security) and paying Arnona (municipal taxes).

    Thank you in advance.

    11 months ago

    Sounds just like Biden spewing rhetoric and lies that white supremacists are the greatest danger to the USA.

    Last edited 11 months ago by Aguttenshabbos
    11 months ago

    How is it possible there are Yidden that don’t understand it’s our Torah learning that supports the world & protects Israel?
    Perhaps they know we are right & are jealous of our heilige lifestyle?
    Perhaps they want to live a “Free” life so seeing us keep Mitzvos bothers them?
    I’m flummoxed that when the Secular drive past a Kollel they don’t shout “Todah Rabbah!!!”

    Ober Chuchim
    Ober Chuchim
    11 months ago

    Let try to figure how the chareidi diaspora contributes towards the Israeli economy.

    About 5k students
    Tution is about $600 x 12 =40 mil+

    Expense plus tickets =30 mil+

    Vists to Israel per year
    About 50k. X 2k. =100 mil+

    Kosher food from Israel

    Over 100 mil. =200 mil+

    Tashmishei Kodesh

    Tefilen mezuzahs and sifrei Torah
    Estrogen and seforem etc
    =200 mil+

    Tzedoka and meshluchim
    = 300 mil+

    Investing in property’s per year
    = 200 mil+

    And much more

    You have Billions and Billions that the from diaspora pumps. Into Israel
    So who supports whom??

    hard at work yeshiva grad
    hard at work yeshiva grad
    11 months ago

    he should start an israeli branch of yaffed.
    btw, the latest yaffed misinformation shtick is that one of the yaffed members [maybe even unemployed nick himself] is posting here using my name. there is no limit to how low these lying, crooked people will stoop.

    The Guardian of Forever
    The Guardian of Forever
    11 months ago

    Is there a source for characterizing the period preceding mashiach as being filled with Jews hating one another wholesale?

    Broodje Halfom
    Broodje Halfom
    11 months ago

    I think he has to change his diaper.

    11 months ago

    This guy sounds like a 2nd grader. Mentally ill. Hater because he knows his final destination.

    11 months ago

    This is all the secular doing. They made it a law in the country that it’s illegal to go to school and have an education, get a good job unless someone goes to the army. They give a permit to go to work only after someone has a family. At that point, it’s different. Now, the secular have all the businesses and good jobs. It’s them who should be ashamed.. It not right that they created a system that the only people that can succeed are people with their life style. Need to spead some cheer around..

    Last edited 11 months ago by Yitzi1
    11 months ago

    This is exactly what we Chareidim teach our kids about the secular. Did we expect a different response from them ? what’s the hysteria ? Feelings are reciprocal.

    11 months ago

    When a community has over 80% living off others – What is wrong of those who call them out?
    How will a country survive if one half carries the burden , works, goes to the army, etc. while the the other takes their taxes all the while not serving. Think for one second how you would feel.
    What happens when the other half decides one day. also to take the easy way and not serve in the Army,

    11 months ago

    Is this for whom hallel is recited?

    Shomer Yisrael
    Shomer Yisrael
    11 months ago

    Despite all his rhetoric, he put his Life in harm’s Way to protect ALL israeli’s including chareidim when serving in the IDF and Shin Bet.

    Educated Archy
    Educated Archy
    11 months ago

    And the efia yossela hate continues

    11 months ago

    He risks his life daily for Am Yisroel, respect his words with shevach and hodaah!

    11 months ago

    When the Bibi Coalition w charedi tries to undermine the stable, muscular democracy of Israel, of course there will be backlash. The Zionists who created, built and Defend the State will not go like sheep to the theocracy idolators.