Twitter Fact-check Says Siyum Hashas, NOT Massive Concert, Holds Record for Met Life Attendance


NEW JERSEY (Yaakov M / VINnews) — The Twitter fact-check feature known as “community notes” has given the proper credit to the 12th Siyum Hashas as holding the all-time record for Met Life attendance.

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The correction came in response to a pop culture account which erroneously tweeted that musician Ed Sheeran broke the all-time attendance record at MetLife Stadium with a crowd of 89,000.

However ‘community notes’ corrected the tweet, giving proper credit to the 2012 Siyum, a breathtaking event attended by nearly 100,000 people.

The fact-check said: “The all-time attendance record for MetLife Stadium of 93,000 people was set by the 12th Siyum HaShas on August 1, 2012.”

The thirteenth Siyum in January 2020 apparently had fewer attendees, although it reportedly had over 92,000. It is not clear why there were not as many people present, however there was a second location at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

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1 year ago

“The thirteenth Siyum in January 2020 apparently had fewer attendees, although it reportedly had over 92,000. It is not clear why there were not as many people present, however there was a second location at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.”

Not clear why???

I’ll tell you exactly why! I was there.

Because it was FREEZING.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
1 year ago

Beautiful ! Brov am hadras melech. Having such a packed stadium and huge crowd from all walks of life displays an achdus unheard of. And the amen yiha shmia raba recited by so many is a true kiddish hashem. We don’t measure Judaism by crowd sizes but when it happens and we are all united it’s the greatest pleasure to hashem.
It also shows the world what a real SIMCHA is vs a concert. And so many people were makabel to learn the daf bec of the noise it made . That’s another kiddish hashem

1 year ago

Yay. Woo-hoo. We soooo amazing. More bragging and back patting and trying to fill the bottomless pit of needing to feel so very special and then lots of pics and kavod seekers.
Yawn. Could not care less that we hold #1 in this dumb stat, and no one else should either. Let’s measure people’s achievements in yiras Hashem and ahavas Hashem and perfection of middos, that is human achievement. Showing up at a stadium means nothing in of itself, striving and working day in and day out to be the greatest mentch you can become that is something worth mentioning. Even one of those stories is better that 2 million Jews showing up to an event and listening to some speeches and singing.

1 year ago

The reason the 2020 siyum was smaller was because it was outdoors in January and was 25 degrees.

1 year ago

the 13th siyum was held in frigid temperatures on Jan 1…

Shomer Yisrael
Shomer Yisrael
1 year ago

Yiddishkiet is not about numbers it’s not about stuffing stadiums with as many people as you can.
לא מרובכם מכל העמים חשק ה’ בכם ויבחר בכם.
‏It’s not because we have numbers that Hashem desires us……

11 months ago

There is no better way to bring hashroas hashchina then a large gather of yidden when dovid and shmuel wanted nevua they would go to places of large gathering of yidden the larger the gathering the more Shechinah learn Navi gemara u will see this over and over

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
11 months ago

As i noted above it was a huge kiddush hashem but its not done so well Dirshu does better. In 2023 you can’t just have Abish sing and thats it. You need a larger chior and a little more simcha at the event.

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
11 months ago

I was at Barclays Center. Better weather.

Famed Member
11 months ago

Apart from the temperature, and the second indoor location, another reason there were less people at 13th siyum hashas was because why would people go sit in stadium for 5 hours (plus 1-2 hours travel time each way), to listen to speeches after speeches after speeches, with a little song and dance – when all they really want to do is celebrate.
The 14th Siyum Hashas should limit it to 1 or 2 speeches, with more singing & dancing.

Fact check this
Fact check this
11 months ago

Considering how much we have become accustomed to trusting the fact checkers anywhere, I’m not sure about this .

Either way, it really makes no difference whatsoever. I’m sure all the seals out there will be clapping very nicely about this fact check but in the overall scheme of things it means absolutely nothing.

I have to say knowing something about the stadiums etc etc, I am not believing the 93,000 number. I would really love to see from stadium authority how many people clicked in that day. Granted Aguda has many many helpers who got in without buying tickets and without having seats, all the background people so with them, yes maybe it would have been $93,000 but as far as the people in the seats, be it in the stadium bowl or in the hotsy totsy areas, I’m not sure it added up to 93,000. The numbers just don’t add up.

Isaac - The only one
Isaac - The only one
11 months ago

They don’t do that well either. Because if they did you would see real achdus with chabad and YU and others. Instead you have the Agudah that has zero political power and does everything it can to only line its own pockets instead of helping the Jewish people.