Maps Reveal: Terrorists Planned To ‘Kill As Many People As Possible And Take Hostages’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Documents taken from the bodies of terrorists reveal that their instructions included intentionally targeting elementary schools in Israel (despite the apparent ignorance that schools were closed for the Simchat Torah holiday). The terrorists were told to seize hostages and to “kill as many people as possible”.

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English translation of terrorist instructions

A video of terrorists attempting to enter Kibbutz Saad showed tactics similar to those in secret documents found on the terrorists, according to an NBC report. Other documents revealed that the terrorists systematically gathered information about the kibbutzim and developed attack strategies for each of them, including plans to kill as many civilians as possible. The maps included pictures of the dental surgeries, supermarkets and dining rooms. One map for the kibbutz detailed the “Bnei Akiva Youth Center” as well as the “new Da’at school” and the “Old Da’at School”

Israeli intelligence sources, amazed by the intimate knowledge of each breach in the fences of the communities which enabled Hamas terrorists to infiltrate them, suspect that some of the 17,500 workers entering Israel daily from Gaza helped the terrorist organization obtain knowledge about the various communities and their weak points.


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7 months ago

So essentially they have 17,500 intelligent agents! These if killed aren’t considered civilian casualties.

Bernhard H. Rosenberg
Bernhard H. Rosenberg
7 months ago


7 months ago

With the Israeli vaunted security apparatus caught sleeping, Hamas could have easily conquered half the country with a larger invasion force, instead of just 10 miles in. And we don’t want to imagine what that would’ve looked like. The big question is, why didn’t they do that?

Bob Casey is a fraud
Bob Casey is a fraud
7 months ago

Yet the democrats are still not condemning what happened. Wicked evil people.