AOC: ‘Bad faith actors’ falsely say ‘people of color’ are Jew-haters

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Credit: Flickr.

(JNS) — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said on Monday that antisemitism was antithetical to American and progressive values, and that “bad faith actors” falsely accuse black women in particular of being antisemitic.

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“Antisemitism is an assault on our values as Americans and especially as progressives,” she said during an online webinar.

“It is also important to say here in this moment and during that conversation that criticism of the Israeli government is not inherently antisemitic and criticism of Zionism is not automatically antisemitic,” she added.

The congresswoman, who is known as AOC, said that “when the Jewish community is threatened, the progressive movement is undermined,” adding, “it is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad-faith political actors.”

This “weaponizing [of] antisemitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between the fight for Jewish safety and the calls for Palestinian self-determination,” she said.

Sam Markstein, national political director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, called the congresswoman part of “the Hamas caucus,” expressing shock that “the Democratic Party has this much difficulty calling out antisemitism.” He added that “instead of despicable race-baiting, AOC should focus on fighting bigotry in her own ranks.”

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Democrats support Jew haters and terrorists.
Democrats support Jew haters and terrorists.
11 days ago

Hamas supporting Jew hater, wants to turn calling out Hamas supporting Jew haters into something racist.

11 days ago

playing the race card to deflect from her own antisemitism. that’s the “woke” way.

Sy A. Nora
Sy A. Nora
11 days ago

“People of color”? Which people have no color? Has anyone ever seen a transparent person? Is she saying that I have no color? In my book that is racist!!

shaarei Zion
shaarei Zion
11 days ago

Traditionally, there were many religious Jews who opposed zionism because it did not espouse religious values while at the same time praying that Hashem will return the exiles of Zion. Jewish law values Jewish lives and Eretz Yisroel has a sizable Jewish population in the land that Hashem promised Avrahom, Yitzchok and Yaakov as a heritage for their descendants, the Jewish people. So-called Palestinians do not recognize the religious and historical ties to the land and do not want Jews there. Having a ” Palestinian ” state would only jeapordize Jewish lives even more.

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
11 days ago

She can start by refraining from spouting the anti-Semitic memes she has spouted and by apologizing for them.

10 days ago

Blacks are very disproportionately Jew-hating. There.

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
11 days ago

In more recent news, after saying a bunch of antisemitic stuff, she looked at a different antisemite and basically said “whoa, that’s too antisemitic even for me” so they revoked her far left card and declared her a Zionist.

11 days ago

Sic is the prime example of a Jew hater and yes she’s a minority person and has aligned herself with the black and moslem caucuses in congress. All happen to be democrats and neither Biden pelosie or chuck have called them out for their anti Semitic statements

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
10 days ago

Sandy’s term in DC is over, her constituents have finally figured out that she’s better behind the bar getting her orders wrong then in DC so it’s back to waiting on drunks and punks in some dive bar in the Bronx for her..