Grenade Thrown At Netanyahu’s Home

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ISRAEL (VINnews) — Israeli police say that a grenade was thrown by protesters at the Netanyahu family’s home in Caesarea on Thursday. A bomb squad was summoned and determined that the device was a smoke grenade.

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In response to the frightening incident, the Likud party called on top officials to investigate, saying: “The incitement against Prime Minister Netanyahu crossed another red line this evening. The attorney general, Shin Bet security service, and Israel Police must put an end to the violence and incitement against the prime minister. The writing is on the wall.”

In addition, police said they found a bag of incendiary materials at the protest outside the prime minister’s official residence in Jerusalem on Thursday. Police are investigating and are searching for a suspect.

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4 days ago

There is protest and free speech and then there is anarchy, vandalism and hoodlums.
These weekly gatherings are not protests but anarchy by hoodlums on the far left.
It is time that the far left leaves Israel.

Alta Bubby
Alta Bubby
4 days ago

Monster, idiot, chilul Ha Shem

3 days ago

Why?! Why?! Why do we need to fight now?!?!?!