Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein To His Kollel: ‘There’s No Funds To Pay Those Who Are Learning’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, the son-in-law of Rabbi Elyashiv zts’l who serves as the head of the Beis Dovid kollel in the city of Holon, wrote a dramatic letter to his avreichim in the wake of the drastic budget cuts to the yeshivos and kollelim.

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Rabbi Zilberstein told them that whoever chooses to continue studying in the kollel should know that there is no money with which to pay his salary.

In the letter, Rabbi Zilberstein writes that “As is well known, the members of the kollel have studied and reached the level of being able to be Morei Hora’ah (offer halachic rulings) but “where’s the money?” Supporters of Torah have decreased and the kollel’s coffers are empty, and the Torah itself cries out “If there is no flour, there is no Torah.” Blessed are those who can come and help the holy Torah from falling. Whoever stays in Kollel Beis Dovid should know that unfortunately we do not have what to pay from, and may Hashem be kind to those who benefit Talmidei Chachamim.”

עמוד ההוראה במכתב לאברכי הכולל: "אין מהיכן לשלם כסף"

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cool masmid
cool masmid
5 days ago

What happened to the money just raised in the US? I imagine that every kollel is on the list to be given some of the money raised..

shmuel Baruch kahan
shmuel Baruch kahan
5 days ago

takes time for the money to come in , its all pledges , so for now there is no money for the kollel. tough times for the lomedei torah , sending prayers !

5 days ago

i dont understand wasnt $107 MILLION raised for this SPECIFIC purpose?

4 days ago

Unfortunately his Kollel isn’t any different from any of the other 100’s of kollelim across Israel
Btw what happened to “adopt a Kollel” they’ve been raising money for close to 15 years matching shuls businesses and even multi family buildings with kollelim
How can he say theirs 0.00 money
I’m sure he has his contacts to call for money after all the govt was only a drop in the bucket of the total check each evrech receives ..
More questions then answers here

Famed Member
4 days ago

We should all know the famous story about Hillel who was so poor that he could not afford to attend the beis medrash (kollel?) so had to lie on the roof to listen in to the shiurim, and they found him passed out in the snow.
What I learn from this: a) You are never too poor to learn Torah; b) There were always places where yidden learnt for many years; c) You had to be wealthy to attend.

Agent Emess
Agent Emess
4 days ago

Check things out for yourself instead of believing everything that says online.

Ask somone from that kollel what’s really going on.

Easy enough.

Pinny kohen
Pinny kohen
4 days ago

These are the same people that destroyed the beis hamikdash- in a time when our nation is under physical attack they create pirud/seperation to weaken our unity so we can be destroyed- the enemys are inside the gates – from your innards will come the destruction- oilam hafuch raaeesi- most of the “gedolim” are controlled by atzas hanachash

5 days ago

Suggestion. Gets jobs and learn in morning and after work.

5 days ago

We need to close up all kollelim in every place. Go to work and support your family. And learn in the morning and at night. This is what Jewish people did for the last 2000 years. Check the history

Pinchus kohen (pinny)
Pinchus kohen (pinny)
5 days ago

If someone was coming to kill u ,and you only had enough money for a piece of shnitzel or a baseball bat to protect yourself , what would u spend the money on? These rabbis seem to all agree- LETS GET SHNITZEL!