Almog’s Father Passed Away Hours Before His Miraculous Release From Hamas


JERUSALEM (VINnews) —Almog Meir Jan (21) was among the hostages freed Saturday, eight months after he was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from the Nova music festival on October 7.

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When officials came however to the home of Almog’s father, Yossi Jan, to inform him that his son had been rescued, they found him unresponsive in his Kfar Saba apartment.

Magen David Adom paramedics were summoned and pronounced Yossi dead at the scene.

Yossi, who was 57, tragically passed away just hours before he could learn that his son was finally free from his Hamas captors.

He will be laid to rest today at 5:30 PM at the Neve Yamin Cemetery.

Dina Jan, Almog’s aunt, said in a Kan Reshet Bet interview that “my brother died of grief and did not get to see his son return. The evening before Almog’s return to my brother, his heart stopped, he did not get to see him.”

“We are very happy about Almog’s return, but we cannot fathom that this is the end, we are broken,” she said.

Dina explained, “Yossi, my brother, Almog’s father, was glued to the television for the whole eight months, clinging to every piece of information. He loved Almog so much, he cared about him so much, he wanted to know what was happening to him and what he was going through. He couldn’t bear it, every deal that blew up in his face broke his heart.”

Dina said that she received a call from the officer who was informing the family of the news of Almog’s rescue saying that he was unable to reach her brother: “I drove like crazy, I knocked and shouted ‘Yossi, Yossi, Yossi’ and nothing. I got no answer. The door of his house was open and I saw him sleeping in the living room. I screamed at him ‘Yossi’ and he didn’t answer me. I saw the color of his skin, I touched him – he was dead.”

The officer arrived and called Magen David Adom, but it was too late.

After finding her brother’s body, Dina went to the hospital to see Almog. “He didn’t know what to do with himself. I didn’t want to burden him. He said he wanted to say goodbye to his father, but he didn’t know if the hospital would release him.”

Noa Argamani, another of the freed hostages, found her mother unresponsive when she tried to speak with her, according to relatives. Liora Argamani, Noa’s mother, is in a hospice at Ichilov hospital with stage 4 cancer. Relatives said that she had deteriorated significantly in recent weeks and that Noa came “at the 90th minute”. Noa was however able to hug her mother as had been Liora’s last request in recent months.


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Save America
Save America
16 days ago

Let’s get the headline right. He wasn’t released. He was rescued

16 days ago

Prime Minister Netanyahu, You have a duty, an obligation to all of Klal Yisroel, wherever they may be to destroy these barbarians, Do not let 1 Amalakite remain alive. Turn Gaza into a glass parking lot. This is your duty, your obligation.

16 days ago

The message of this story is blatantly missing. It’s not a coincidence that this happened and that it’s published world-wide. Hashem is talking to us…Wow what a mussar haskel! Just when we’re about to give up, when it’s finally the last straw and we’re ready to throw in the towel we have to remind ourselves yeshuas hashem kheref Ayin. If only these families were privy to hashkafas Hatorah how lifesaving it would be. We have an obligation to reach out and be marbitz Torah.