Labor, Meretz Unite to Form New Party: ‘the Democrats’

    Members of the new "Democrats." Credit: Courtesy.

    JERUSALEM (JNS) – Israel’s Labor and Meretz parties announced on Sunday that they will unite into a new party, called the “Democrats.”

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    The new party will be led by Yair Golan, an ex-Meretz Party lawmaker and former Israel Defense Forces deputy chief of staff who was elected as Labor leader on May 28 with over 95% of the votes.

    According to the deal, two Knesset seats will be assured for Meretz members in the list’s top 10, one in the top four and a second in top eight.

    “One of the goals I set for us is to create connections that will lead to the exploitation of the camp’s electoral potential,” said Golan.

    “Today we have built a framework that will serve the public as best as possible on the way to promoting elections and replacing the worst government since the establishment of the state,” he added.

    Meretz Secretary General Tomer Reznik said, “This union is a double correction—it is a correction of the past, but it is primarily a correction for the future—because without the union and without the integration of the ideology and ideas of the parties along with their translation into a significant political force, there will be no correction for the State of Israel.”

    Meretz is currently not in the Knesset, having failed for the first time since its formation in 1992 to pass the electoral threshold, the minimum number of votes necessary to enter Israel’s parliament.

    A Channel 12 poll in mid-May showed a hypothetical Labor-Meretz party headed by Golan would win eight Knesset seats.

    Golan is a hard-left politician who has made controversial statements, most famously in 2016, when as deputy chief of staff he compared recent developments in Israel to those that unfolded in Germany prior to the Holocaust.

    “Nauseating trends that occurred in Europe generally and in Germany specifically back then—70, 80 and 90 years ago—are now present among us,” he asserted.

    Golan more recently got into hot water when he appeared to call for reservists to refuse service in the Israel Defense Forces, during a war, in order to bring down the government.

    In June 2023, the Israel Police announced it had launched an investigation into Golan’s calls for civil unrest to oppose Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s now-shelved judicial reform initiative.

    Golan had drawn criticism from Netanyahu’s ruling coalition after urging a “large-scale and nonviolent uprising” against the government.

    A year earlier, while serving as a deputy economy minister in the Bennett-Lapid government on behalf of the Meretz Party, Golan was forced to issue a formal apology after he described the Jewish residents of the Homesh outpost in Samaria as “subhuman.”

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    5 days ago

    Imagine if anyone is actually stupid enough to want to vote for this party.

    5 days ago

    Also funded by soros

    5 days ago

    From the looks of it they are same types of Mishagoyim as democrats in Us

    5 days ago

    United we fall

    5 days ago

    They have join together because neither one of them has the numbers to get in alone.

    5 days ago


    5 days ago

    Couldn’t pick a better suitable name for this lefti losers damocRAT , that’s the symbol of the LOSERS what a joke
    How about including in t hair part Biden & Shumer Ha Ha Ha

    Needs to be said
    Needs to be said
    5 days ago

    Considering much of the way they operate is based on European socialism, this is very appropriate.

    Sam Peach
    Sam Peach
    5 days ago

    When was the last time either of these parties were in the governing coalition? This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to stay relevant.

    5 days ago

    Question Meir kahana was ousted from the Knesset for staing that Isreal is a Jewish state and Arabs should be sent to Arab lands. Why wasn’t this person that called for a coup against the standing government and might be responsible for the October 7 tragedy because many refused to serve not in jail

    Not suprised
    Not suprised
    5 days ago

    What a telling name for their party!

    The Democrats.

    Now we know where their allegiance lies. With the Democrats, not with Israel. This explains a LOT.

    Thanks for clarifying where your loyalties truly lie.

    Nothing like a bit of sunshines and truth to make people understand what the Israeli left wing is really about.

    4 days ago

    I can’t believe they will survive the Israeli pubic move to the right and religious growth.